We went to the doc on Friday and Aiden loved it. He was such a flirt with all the girls up front. Doc said everything looks good, but we need to loose that passy (knew that was coming) since it will start affecting his teeth. Here are his stats:
Height: 33 inches (70%)
Weight: 29.6 lbs (85%)
Aiden got 2 shots, but handled them like a champ! We don't go back until he's 2, and we'll probably be bringing this new baby along with us! Hopefully it won't be raining like it was friday. Of course I don't have a hand for an umbrella, so with Aiden in one arm and the bag in the other we ran across the parking lot, although he wanted to play in the rain. He loves the water in his face. :-)
Over the weekend we have been trying to wean the passy; The first night, we try to take it cold turkey from him and he got mad- really mad. It took me 15 minutes to calm him down, we had real tears and gasping for air. So we gave in and gave the real passy to him that night. The next day we gave him the "broken" passy, one that is cut and he is unable to suck on. It seems to be working. After I gave it to him, he was confused by it- he would take it out of his mouth and had this look like "what is wrong with this thing", he still chews on it a bit, but I'm hoping after a couple days of the broken one, he won't want it all. Jeff and I were trying not to laugh because he was so funny looking at it. His confused face was priceless. I'll keep you posted, hopefully we'll be done with the passy later this week!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
18 months!
Can you believe it? Aiden is 18 months old today! I heard it a million times from family and friends and they were all right, kids really do grow up fast. My once little baby boy is such a kid now. He is so big-30 lbs! which BTW is getting really heavy to lift up and down. I have enjoyed this first year and a half so much. There have been many firsts! And I'm looking forward to all the new things to come. Here's a couple pictures to look back;
He was 5 days old in this picture, taking a "sun bath" to heal the jaundice. It really doesn't look much like him now, but look how little!
This picture was taken about a year ago, when Aiden was just 6 months! What a chunky boy!
He was 5 days old in this picture, taking a "sun bath" to heal the jaundice. It really doesn't look much like him now, but look how little!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Second Trimester Bliss
I haven't really talked much about my pregnancy because . . . well there wasn't much good to talk about, besides the fact that there is a baby growing inside of me!!! The first trimester was hard, but I'm into the second now and I feel so much better. My energy level is back up and the nausea is gone. I am off the couch and back on my feet! My husband is excited that I am actually going back to cooking him dinner. Frozen pizza really gets old after a while.
We are so excited about this baby! Now that I'm felling better, I am getting very excited. I'm going to be a mother of 2 kids! Wow! He/She will be born very close to Aiden's 2nd Birthday! I'm excited to see him as an older brother. We just have to work on the sharing- he's so used it being all about him. My hope for them is to be best friends. I know that won't always be the case, but maybe when they are older. I'll keep you updated on the progress. So far, things are going well and mom and baby are happy and healthy! God is good . . . all the time!
We are so excited about this baby! Now that I'm felling better, I am getting very excited. I'm going to be a mother of 2 kids! Wow! He/She will be born very close to Aiden's 2nd Birthday! I'm excited to see him as an older brother. We just have to work on the sharing- he's so used it being all about him. My hope for them is to be best friends. I know that won't always be the case, but maybe when they are older. I'll keep you updated on the progress. So far, things are going well and mom and baby are happy and healthy! God is good . . . all the time!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Party Time
We went to Athens this weekend to celebrate Uncle Marcus & Cousin Payton's birthdays! My brother went all out for the party. They had lots of games and entertainment for the kids! Aiden swam in the pool, watched people playing ping pong, played with a big car, and watched a movie on the big screen (projector) with all the kids. The best part was the slip-n-slide. Aiden wasn't "sliding", but he was playing in the sprinkler! He loved the water in his face and he would run back and forth through the water laughing the whole time. He had to dodge the big kids as they slid down, but he loved it. I think he really likes being around the "big kids". We had a great time and it was good to see family and friends. We even got to talk to my dad via skype on the big screen. Birthday parties are always fun!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Bedtime Stories
Aiden loves to read before he goes to bed. We started reading to him very early, I think it was around 3 months and every night after his bath we read a story in his chair. He knows the routein very well, because he will bring me the books he wants to read. He loves books and we often read during the day too.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Aiden has been picking up new words lately and I know if I don't document it I'll forget:
"Oh yeah" his first words, but he's not saying it much now.
"Da Da" he says this constantly. He likes to look at pictures of Jeff and say it.
"Owe" when he falls or bumps his head. He likes to whisper this word.
"Ba Ba" this is actually him trying to say Ma Ma. He doesn't say it much though.
"Haaa" this is his word for 'hot'. He'll say this when he is eating something hot or when I have the oven on.
"Douw" he is such a climber and he is used to me saying "get down", now whenever he climbs on something this is what he says for 'down'.
"Nana" he is trying to say banana.
He has a couple other words that don't make any sense at all. i. e. he says "Da" for "light" and I'm sure there are others that I haven't picked up on. All these words have association, he will babble and say some other words, but I know he doesn't know the meaning of them yet. He understands a lot more words like "no" and "don't touch", which I say to him frequently. He's a pretty quiet kid for the most part, but I know he'll be picking up new words soon. He is learning so much at this age!
"Oh yeah" his first words, but he's not saying it much now.
"Da Da" he says this constantly. He likes to look at pictures of Jeff and say it.
"Owe" when he falls or bumps his head. He likes to whisper this word.
"Ba Ba" this is actually him trying to say Ma Ma. He doesn't say it much though.
"Haaa" this is his word for 'hot'. He'll say this when he is eating something hot or when I have the oven on.
"Douw" he is such a climber and he is used to me saying "get down", now whenever he climbs on something this is what he says for 'down'.
"Nana" he is trying to say banana.
He has a couple other words that don't make any sense at all. i. e. he says "Da" for "light" and I'm sure there are others that I haven't picked up on. All these words have association, he will babble and say some other words, but I know he doesn't know the meaning of them yet. He understands a lot more words like "no" and "don't touch", which I say to him frequently. He's a pretty quiet kid for the most part, but I know he'll be picking up new words soon. He is learning so much at this age!
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