I'm sorry its been so long since I've posted. I have no excuse, except life. It gets busy and lately I've wanted to spend my free time (the 1-2 hours Aiden is sleeping) cleaning or napping. But today you are lucky- most of my cleaning is done and I actually have some energy to update you on our lives! We did have some Internet problems too. I know . . . enough excuses.
We had an ultrasound of baby X on Tuesday. I know this isn't the greatest pic, but I had to share. The baby was very active and we got to see everything from toes, to an ear. We saw lots of bones- nice and straight. The baby weighs 8 oz- so tiny! It was tempting, but we stuck to our decision and did NOT find out the sex. I'm so glad Jeff got to come with me to see the baby- we we're both in awe.

Dad is finally home from Afghanistan! The homecoming was emotional and wonderful. We are so glad he is home safely. Our family is whole again.

Aiden remembered him, he was just confused as to how he got out of the computer screen (from all the skype we did). As Aiden got bigger (and so did I), Dad got smaller. He lost 35 lbs over there, but he looks great!
If you'd like to see all the pictures from the homecoming, click

It's been so long since I've posted, Aiden actually started driving! They really do grow up fast! Ha Ha! Because it's difficult to lift him, I let him get in the car himself, but he wants to go straight to the driver seat where all the buttons are. I thought it was too funny! :-)

Last but not least, today is Jeff's birthday and he has been sure to tell everyone that he is NOT 30 (Nana)! Today he turns 29. Aiden picked up a present for his Dad yesterday at the grocery store- chocolate covered pretzels- Dad's favorite! Hope you have a great day honey!