Ty is four months old today! We went to the doctor this morning and he looks great! He is a big healthy boy. The doc was impressed that he is rolling over and sleeping through the night already.
Here are his stats:
Head: 16 3/4 57%
Height: 26in 83%
Weight: 17lbs 8oz 90%
My Doc said not to worry that his percentages were so high and I think its great that they are high. He is growing and developing very well!
Ty got 3 shots (Hib, Polio, Hep B, Diphtheria, and Pneumococcai, PCV vaccines) and he wasn't too happy about it. He ate and felt much better shortly after. It still breaks my heart to see him scream after the pokes.
Compared to Aiden at this age, Ty is heavier, but shorter.

Ty . . .
now rolls both ways (front to back and back to front). He's starting to learn he can get across the room this way.
loves to eat, every 2-3 hours during the day.
does not like bottles, he hasn't taken one in over a month, and we've tried many times.
sleeps all night from about 9:30pm to 7:00am
smiles all the time. He loves to be looked at and spoken to. He will "talk" back and smile. Aiden lays on the floor with him and they just stare at each other.
does this spit/bubble blowing thing that Daddy taught him. They do it to each other and Ty does it all the time.
is drooling all the time! I'm wondering if he might be an early teether.
is very laid back and a go-with-the-flow baby.
is wearing 6-9 month clothes and even some 12 months. I just packed up all the 3-6 month stuff!
is starting to reach for toys, especially ones held over his head when lying on the floor.
snores like an old man.