Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quiz Time- Aiden's Words- Updated

I thought this might be fun.  Can you guess Aiden's words?  We know kids say some unusual things and Aiden has some unusual words.  These are spelled phonetically (just as he says them).  Please comment with your guesses and don't cheat and look at other responses before you respond.

1.  bike = bite
2.  arrshoning = air conditioning
3.  gaya-rake = gatorade
4.  back-yume = vacuum
5.  ong = on
6.  fa-sees = strawberries
7.  bubba = brother
8.  shash = trash (but could also be splash)
9.  henk-you = thank you
10.  wimmim = swimming

So Da-da did the best on the quiz- no surprise.  I thought about all of you saying the words outloud and it made me laugh. 

some others . . .

pee-per = computer
booke-en = broken
lease = please
ap-pa = pineapple
goog= good
hisses= kisses

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bath Time

and a few pictures of the boys after their baths.  Check out Ty's spiked hair! :-)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monkey Joes

Today we took the boys to Monkey Joe's! We wanted a fun indoor activity (since it's 95 degrees outside). Aiden had a great time. There were 5 huge jumpy houses (that's what we called them) and lots of arcade games.

Of course our gadget loving toddler loved the arcade games- he could press buttons and watch the flashing screens! This was his favorite where he was able to "drive".

I carried Ty and he loved it too! There were lots of colors and lights to look at!

Aiden liked the small jumpy house the best- it was designed for toddlers. The larger ones were a little intimidating, but with Da-da's help he went down a few times.

the toddler slide. . .

He liked "swimming" in the balls and sliding into them.

We had a great time and we stayed cool! great memories- we'll go back I'm sure.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

5 months

Ty is 5 months old today! I took some pics after church. . . I probably should have done them before so he wouldn't have drool all over his shirt- but that's Ty- always drooling!

Ty . . .

is about 19 lbs- he is so heavy!

is rolling around everywhere- he will roll across the room from one side to the other

is still just eating mommy's milk- we have tried to spoon feed him some cereal a couple times and he didn't like it at all. It will take some practice.

has successfully taken a few bottles this past week!

is such a great sleeper- he has slept through the night consistently for about 2 months now. He has woke up twice in that time, but he sleeps from 9 or 10pm until 7am. His naps are on and off, I am trying to get him to nap in his bed. He usually naps in the swing or bouncy seat.

has started playing with some toys- he can reach for them, but they usually end up in his mouth

drools constantly! He can soak a shirt in 5 min (see pics), but no teeth yet.

loves to be held on my hip facing outward so he can see everything. I hold him like this to clean/do laundry etc.
does not like a passy at all!  He makes a funny face when I put it in his mouth like "what is this?"

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ty found his feet!

The past week or so, Ty has discovered his feet! He is constantly grabbing them and sometimes tries to put them in his mouth. He puts a lot of things in his mouth already- his hands, his feet, teethers and lots of toys.

Sometimes he'll roll around while grabbing his feet- it's pretty funny! Each time he is on his back he plays with his feet a little then rolls on his belly and then repeats the whole thing! :-)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fun in the Sun

We spent some time at Kristie's house today. Aiden calls her "Iss-tee" and he definately loves hanging out with her!

Ty got in the pool and he liked the water. He was very content, but he wasn't quite big enough for the float, or maybe it wasn't so much his size, but that he can't support himself sitting well enough yet. He cooled off in the pool and then took a nap in the shade.

Aiden is jumping in the pool like a pro- all by himself. We have to remind him to close his eyes and mouth, he usually comes up coughing on the water he swallowed. He floats around the pool really well- we are working on kicking to move around.

Today we found 2 frogs and Aiden was very amazed. He wanted to touch and play with them- he is such a boy!

He was a little rough with the frogs- poking them and he even kicked the small frog one time. They eventually got away-


Aiden has been doing so well with the potty training, so Jeff thought it was time to teach him to pee standing up. We got a stool and put it in front of the toilet and Jeff showed him how to pee "like a man". Aiden was so proud of himself!

The next day, as Daddy goes off to work, Aiden wants to pee like Daddy taught him the day before (of course). So he hops on the stool and goes pee . . . and then he goes POO!!! Yes, he pooped standing up too- the pee went in the potty, but the poop did not . . . and Mom had to clean it up! I don't think he's quite ready to "pee like a man".

No more standing- we'll just stick to sitting for now.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Down South

We celebrated Independence Day by traveling to south Georgia with our friends. Aiden loved spending time with his best friend, Bailey. They act like siblings and get mistaken for twins often.
We took a day trip to the beach at St. Simons. The kids loved getting knocked down by the waves. They were absolutely fearless!

We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was nice, and we spent lots of time outdoors!
Ty on the golf course . .
We all had a blast celebrating the 4th, it was so nice to get away!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Water Slide

Last weekend, we went to my Aunt's house where she had borrowed a blow up water slide for the kids. It was huge! I saw the size of it and thought to myself 'Aiden is too small- he won't be able to make it up'. With coaching from my dad, Aiden was able to climb up and slide all the way down by himself. . . numerous times. He had a blast. I don't think he realized that he was the little guy. He may have been slower than his older cousins, but he was very determined!

Marley and Kylie at the top of the slide, getting ready to come down. (Marley had a little help)
It was big! That's Payton at the top- they played on it for hours! Everyone slept great that night :-)

pausing for a pic

the back was basically a rock climbing wall, with holes to put feet, and straps to hold on to. There's Dad- the drill sergeant, I mean coach. :-)