Sunday, June 26, 2011

I got him to smile!

Aiden is difficult to photograph.  Usually he runs from the camera or makes his "weird face" where he squints his eyes and grits his teeth.  With a little bribery (chocolate) I got him to sit and smile for me today. :-)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back to Athens

My brother and his family hosted a get together with my grandparents and aunt from Michigan.  The day was filled with many different activities.  The kids went swimming and played in the yard; we played inside to cool off and later went back outside to ride bikes.  It was a great day to be together with family

My 2 nieces, Marley and Kylie swimming with my cousin, Analiese.  She was nervous to swim at first but quickly learned how much fun it was and then didn't wan to get out.
 Mom and Grandma watching the kids swim.  Grandma is so energetic and enthusiastic with her grandchildren!  She amazes me.
 The kings of the grill.  We had burgers and brauts- yummy!
 Aiden riding Marley's jeep.  It didn't go nearly as fast as his jeep, but I'm pretty sure he exceeded the weight limit.  I thought this would be a good pic to save for his buddies when he is a teenager. :-)
 All the kids in the pool.  They had a great time and so did I. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dance like a wedding

We attended Joseph's wedding about a month ago and ever since Aiden asks to "dance like a wedding" pretty much everyday.  He is asking to turn the music up very loud and run/dance around the living room.  At the wedding the volume of the music made him nervous and it took all night for me to get him to dance.  He kept saying "it's too loud", or "I don't want to".  He finally danced at the end of the night for about 2 or 3 songs and he loved it- he was so excited and when the DJ played "Hey Ya" he was even more thrilled.  Now we re-live the experience just about every night.  Ty gets into dancing as well.  He runs around and shakes his arms up and down.  They both just love dancing and it's pretty entertaining too. :-)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


School's out and that means Kristie has some time off. The boys and I will be visiting her and her awesome pool this summer.  Aiden loves going to Kristie's house.  We pack a lunch and head over to swim about once a week.

Aiden and Kristie having a little water fight!
Jeff got the day off and he came with us this week.  Ty only likes the pool if he is held.  He refuses to be in his baby float, but loves to sit in Dadda's arms.
Usually, Ty spends time wondering around the patio.  Him and Toby (Kristie's dog) hang out in the shade where Ty will have a snack and Toby will catch what falls on the floor.  Aiden really likes the pool.  He is learning how to move around by using his legs and he is finally getting comfortable with his face going under water.  We look forward to going to Kristie's pool every week! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pool Fun

We spent the day with the Nichols' boys in the hot sun swimming in their awesome pool.  The pool is 1 and 2 feet deep- so great for young children!  The boys had a blast!

Aiden and Kolt spent most of the day running in and out of the falling water from the "mushroom" water fall. 
 Ty liked the water!  He didn't want to get in too deep, but he liked sitting with me or standing in the very shallow part.  He also wanted to taste it by using his hands as a scoop to drink.
 Ty and Kruz played on the edge of the pool- here they are fighting over the sunscreen.
 Aiden splashing!
 The Supermom, Kelsey and Kruzer posing for a pic.  He was the happiest one all day!
We'll be making a few more trips over there again this summer- it was a great day!