Thursday, February 26, 2015

School Birthday Parties

Because Ty's birthday fell on winter break we had planned to celebrate it with his friends at school the following week.  Monday was a teacher work day, Tuesday they had a field trip, Wednesday school was cancelled due to possible snow (didn't happen), so both boys had their school parties today.  Mark and I went to Ty's school where they sang to him and ate orange cupcakes, then we went over to AJ's school during lunch and his class ate blue cupcakes.  It was a fun day with lots of sugar!   

AJ- 7 years old

Wow! A.J. is 7 years old today!

A.J. . . .

is becoming so much more independent.  At church, he walks upstairs and into his classroom all by himself, sometimes doesn't even say bye to us.  I remember the teachers peeling him off of me as he screamed when he was a toddler.

is such a rule follower and hates to be in trouble especially at school.  He will be concerned even if he was associated with someone who did something wrong.

doesn't play with "toys" much anymore and when I ask him to clean up the toys, he'll say, "but I don't play with any of these".

likes playing independently.  I'll find him in his room playing by himself a lot.  He loves his brothers, but he likes to be by himself too.

has become such a great reader.  He impresses me with the large words he can sound out.

still loves math and can do his math homework so easily.  We try to challenge him with more difficult math problems.

likes teaching his brothers.  He'll do sight words with Ty and he likes to show Mark how to play with certain toys.

asks for me or Jeff to lay out his clothes at night so when he wakes up he can go ahead and get dressed.  He never complains about what he wears and has no preference on brands/styles.

likes to be organized- he'll straighten his clothes in his drawers and he'll make sure things are put in their proper spot.

is very literal and is not creative.  He understands concrete information much more than something he has to imagine.  He prefers to read non-fiction/factual books rather than fiction.

wears size 7 pants, size small shirts and size 1/2 shoes.

I can't believe I have a 7 year old!  He's so grown up and such a blessing in our lives.

We told AJ he could pick where we went to eat on his birthday and he was debating between IHop and Chick-fil-A, but Dadda convinced him to try something different and more special- so we went to Japanese Steak House and he loved it!  Our Chef was very entertaining and made fire and a volcano.  All the boys were impressed and they loved the food!  It was a great time to celebrate!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Birthday Party

We celebrated our 2 oldest boys at the bowling ally for their party today!  The boys ran around the arcade until their friends showed up, then they got to bowl and play laser tag.  They sat down for pizza and cake and then got to open presents- lots of presents!  All of our family and lots of friends came to celebrate and the boys had a blast!  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Church Playdate

We brought our bikes and met up with lots of friends at church for a playdate today.  The boys love it and since it's been so cold, it was such a great way to burn some of their energy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ty- 5 years old

Ty is 5 years old today!

Ty . . .

is our loudest child!  He has random outbursts and yells at home all the time.  I am constantly telling him to lower his volume.

is very generous and always has been.  He is always willing to share and usually offers whatever he has.

likes to bang on things.  He plays with his drums a lot, but will also bang on the couch, his brothers, me, countertops, etc.

prefers salty over sweet.  He'll choose chips over a cookie every time.

is reading at school and loves it!  He is always very proud to come home and show me what he has learned.  I love hearing him read.  Sometimes Ty and AJ will practice sight words together.

has recently been concerned with his appearance.  He liked to gel his hair and wear ties to look nice.  Sometimes he'll wear a tie with a sweatshirt.

loves to play games.  He'll ask to play Trouble and Uno when he is bored.  He'd rather play with someone than by himself.

plays with both his brothers very well.  He can be silly and wild with Mark and more serious and grown up with AJ.

can be very sensitive at times.  He gets his feelings hurt more than his brothers.

loves to color and does a great job of staying in the lines.

is very tall for his age.

can be such a rebel sometimes, doing exactly what he's not supposed to or playing a game the wrong way, etc.

has completely given up his nap.

wears size 5 pants, 5/6 or small shirts, and size 13 shoe.

Since the boys were out of school, we went to Dadda's work and all went to Waffle House to eat lunch.  It was Ty's request and he had a waffle and bacon.  He is so excited about his party on Saturday.

Ty is such a blessing and he keeps me on my toes.  I love his sweet smile and am so happy to be his mom!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


It's winter break and the weather is so cold.  We decided to make slime today.  It's more of a rubber type material rather than a slimey material.  The boys loved making it and then they discovered it bounces and they wanted to throw it.  We made it while Mark was sleeping because we figured he would want to eat it.  ha ha!