Sunday, July 19, 2015

Mountain Trip

We had a weekend getaway to Big Canoe, GA with my brother's family and Gram and Chief.  The house we stayed in had amazing views and the weather was great!  There was a small lake just down the road we visited each day to let the kids swim.  We played games, relaxed and ate a lot!  It was nice to get away and spend time with family.  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

New home

We found out Ty did not get accepted into Rocky Creek mid-May.  We put in new floors and listed our house the next week and a buyer came along in 10 days.  Shortly after, we found our new house and here we are a month later moving.  It happened so fast, but it just confirms God's plan for us.  We bought this house in August of 2008 when AJ was 6 months old and only the Lord knew we would bring home 2 more baby boys.  We have loved this home and we have made so many wonderful memories, including all of our boys' first steps and first words, sleepless nights rocking babies, starting school, job changes, many UGA game parties, birthdays and holidays and so many days playing in the front yard and riding bikes in the cul-de-sac.  This is a place I will never forget and I am so grateful to have called it home for the past 7 years.  

Closing day at our new home!  It's officially ours!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Of course we will dress like cows for Cow Appreciation day at Chick-fil-A.  The CFA cow at the restaurant wanted to give all the boys high-fives, but Mark ran and hid from him.  Dinner was great!

Friday, July 10, 2015


I feel like I've been packing for months- I started when we listed the house, and there's nothing like packing to make you realize how much junk you really have.  I've made numerous Goodwill donations, but the garage is almost full.

Moving day was hot, but we had a lot of help.  The whole Hembree family, my parents and Cale all came out to help.  The boys were working hard too.

Taking a water break.

The moving truck we ordered wasn't available, we had a smaller truck and it took more loads than we anticipated, we worked way past sunset, but we managed to move it all and set up some beds so we could all go to sleep.  Whew- moving is fun!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Beach Trip

We had been looking forward to our beach trip with Jeff's family all year.  Nana and Papa rented an awesome house right on the beach.  It was so nice having the ocean in our back yard for a week.  The boys had a blast in the ocean, and tested their limits as to how far they could go out.  Mark wasn't crazy about the waves; they made him nervous, so he spent most of the time playing in the sand with Layla; they are such buds.  He loved when Dadda held him in the waves though.  When Mark needed to go potty, we told him to go in the ocean, but he refused to go without pulling his pants down.  All the boys loved being on the beach and could stay out there all day.  They were never ready to come up when it was time.  The boys loved playing cards with their Aunts and feeding the birds with Uncle Collin.  We visited the Fort in St. Augustine and walked around the town.  It was incredibly hot, so we stopped for some gourmet popsicles.  We had lots of yummy food out to eat and home cooked meals.  We had sparklers and our own personal fireworks show thanks to Dadda, Uncle Cale & Uncle Collin.  Many great family memories!