Friday, March 27, 2009


Our usual bed time routine with Aiden is to take a bath, put on his PJ's, brush his teeth, read a story and then he goes into the crib. Jeff and I have always done it together- it's just easier that way. The other night Aiden had his bath like usual and we got him out and dried him off. He loves to run around naked- like most toddlers do I'm assuming, and he runs around w/ his towel on his head dragging it behind him, sort of like a cape. He walks around his room (almost running) and gets excited! Jeff and I just watched him and laughed for a few minutes. We let him play naked a little longer than usual because he was having such a good time. He walked to a corner of his room and started reading a book and then I heard it . . .  a noise. I looked over and sure enough Aiden had "relieved himself", without looking up from his book. Thankfully, it was a straight stream and only got on the floor. He finished his business and kept playing, going to the other side of the room w/ his book in hand. Jeff and I laughed about it and I thought I'd share the story with you. :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Too need to take a video of him playing with the towel on his head, like superman. I can just imagine him doing that, how cute
