Thursday, June 4, 2009

Big Pool

We thought Aiden liked his little pool that we bought from Wal-Mart, well he REALLY likes the big neighborhood pool. Ashley and I took both Aiden and her daughter to the pool on Tuesday and the kids had a blast! Jeff and I went again last night. Aiden loved hanging out in his float, he kicked his feet and splashed with his hands. Daddy got him out and threw him up and he loved that too. We dunked him one time and he did great! He was a little nervous, but he didn't cry. He was entertained by the older kids. He loved sitting and watching them. Our pool is really nice and hasn't been too crowded either time we went. It is very family friendly. I think he's going to be a water baby!


  1. These are precious! He looks like he is three or more in these pictures. Looks like Aiden & Mattie are having a great time together. Enjoy the fun summer. Aiden will be swimming by next summer.
