Thursday, April 15, 2010

Weekly Wrap

We've been busy around here this week- what's new right?

Big news- Ty gave us his first smile this week! Of course I was super excited. I actually got a couple pics of him smiling too. He is starting to coo a lot more as well- it's adroable. He kicks his legs and punches his arms all the time. We've been doing tummy time each day and he is getting stronger, gaining better control of his movements.

Aiden admires his Da-da so much! He wants to do everything he does. The real mower makes him a little nervous, but he is also very curious. Aiden loves being outside and I usually have to bribe him to come in (food works every time) :-)

Aiden has just recently become interested in television. He never watched when he was younger, but he now wants to watch Elmo almost everyday. He'll sit still on the sofa for maybe 10 minutes and then go play and he might come back and watch for a bit. It's on and off, playing and watching TV. His favorite shows are Sesame Street "elmo", Thomas and friends "choo-choo", and Curious George "George". Of course I don't want to make a habit of him watching TV all day, but the entertainment it brings is a nice break for me.

1 comment:

  1. The mowing picture is really cute. Ty is getting so big too. :)
