Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pickin' Strawberries

We went to Southern Belle Farm on Friday morning to pick some fresh strawberries with the boys.  Both the boys loved it.  Ty had a great time walking through the rows of strawberries and Aiden actually picked about 80% of the berries we brought home.  He reminded us, "the green ones are bad and the red ones are good".  He had a little trouble handeling the strawberries- he squished a few and got red berry juice all over his hands (of course I had wipes),  but he did a good job of finding the ripe ones.

Ty would rather pick the leaves than the strawberries.
 Carrying all he could to the bucket . . .

I love teaching our children that the best food actually comes from the ground and not the grocery store.  Of course these strawberries were so delicious (much better than store bought), and we have been eating them everyday!  Both the boys like them, but Aiden could eat them all day!

To see last year's trip to the Strawberry Farm click here

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of your strawberry picking trip. I looked at last year's too, Ty slept through last year's trip, but he looked like he had a blast this year, too sweet....loved the pictures.
