Monday, May 14, 2012

Potty Training- Round 2

Ty is wearing big boy undies and not just over his diaper!!! His potty training story is very similar to Aiden's. I'm not sure if the boys will think I'm weird for documenting it; I'm hoping they will think its funny. It is just part of a 2 year olds life and a big milestone in my opinion. So here goes:

I tried training Ty a few weeks ago; took his diaper off in the morning and let him be bare all day.  I showed him the bag of M-n-M's and gave Aiden some candy when he used the potty to show Ty what to do.  This made Ty very upset.  He really wanted some candy, but didn't want to use the potty.  I continued to explain what he needed to do to get m-n-m's.  After throwing an all out tantrum, he dried his face and went back to playing.  We took the potty in each room as he played and outside when he played there, but I constantly encouraged him to sit on it and use it when he needed to go.  He first peed outside; I caught him and scooped him up and sat him on the potty and he sat there and looked at me and . . . nothing.  He even ate lunch while sitting on the potty and never went.  We had a few accidents around the house, and while he didn't mind sitting on the potty, he never wanted to use it.  So I told myself that he wasn't quite ready and we should wait a little bit.

About a week later he came to me and wanted to sit on the potty, and sure enough for the first time he went in the potty!  So I put some underwear on him and gave him M-n-M's!  He was very excited!  From then on, he has been using the potty and has even gone at Papa's house the other day!  We had a few accidents- a couple messy ones.  He has no problem going pee in the potty, but sometimes has an accident with pooping.  I changed the reward to 2 m-n-m's for pee and 4 for poop.  He loves to count them and is now pooping on the potty too.  I think he was embarrassed to do it in front of me, so now when I know he needs to go, I will leave the room and then he'll tell me after he goes.  He is wearing undies at nap time and even at night.  After waking up in a dry diaper and rewarding him for that, I put underwear on him and he's holding it all night!  He has had a lot more accidents than Aiden (he only had 2), but he's doing great and I knew it couldn't be that easy twice.  I am just excited to be done with diapers . . .  for a little while anyway (until October).

1 comment:

  1. Let me fuck Ty's mouth as he sits naked on the potty. I got 7 inches for him. He wants it so bad.
