Thursday, July 11, 2013

9 months

Mark is 9 months old!
Mark . . .
is the best baby!  He is so content and very easy to travel with.  As long as he is fed, he is very mellow and comfortable anywhere we go. 
loves to eat!  and if he sees someone else eating (even if its something he can't have), he immediately wants to eat.  I have to feed him first before we eat dinner and if I have a snack I have to sneak so he doesn't see me.  Ty likes to tease him by showing his food and eating right in front of him.  Mark gets so mad!
has mastered the spin on his belly.  He usually ends up in the middle of a circle full of toys and spins as he plays with each one.
puts everything in his mouth.  He has me vacuuming constantly. 
will sleep just about anywhere, in his bouncy seat, in a crib with his blanket, in the car and being held.
has tried some puffs and did well with them.  We will start to try some new finger foods soon.
has been sleeping through the night for about 2 weeks straight now.  He wakes up early like his brothers and usually goes down for a morning nap shortly after.

1 comment:

  1. So adorable! He looks like he is having fun getting his picture taken.
