Friday, April 11, 2014

Mark- 18 months

Mark is 18 months old today!!!

Mark . . .

still takes 2 naps every day for about 1-2 hours each

is so easy to put down to sleep.  He likes his bed and as long as he has his pacifier and blanket, he is good.  He is a good sleeper and rarely wakes up in the middle of the night.  When he wakes up in the morning he likes to bounce in his crib while holding the side.

loves shoes and insists on giving them to their righful owner when they are laying around the house.  He likes his own shoes and when he finds them he will bring them to me and say "on".

has a huge vocabularly; way more than either of his brothers at this age.  Some new words he says are; cereal, hot, on, off, up (to be picked up), shhhh, brothers, outside (which sounds like "south side"), bye-bye, and A. J.

likes to "jump" by bending his knees and standing back up quickly. (his feet don't actually leave the floor) :-)

loves to go outside and tries to sneak out any time a door is opened.  His favorite thing to play with outside is the red cozy coupe car.

still says "no no, don't touch" to things he's not supposed to touch.

likes to point to objects that aren't his and say who's they are.  Every morning he touches my coffee cup and says "Mama".

loves to say "hey" to people in the grocery store.

says "owe" when he falls down or bumps his head

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