Thursday, June 12, 2014

Imagine It Museum

Dadda took the day off so we could have a family fun day!  We took the boys to Imagine It Childrens Museum in Atlanta.  It was so much fun; I think it was designed for my boys.  It was very hands on and had lots of gadgets and balls to play with.  They had a farm/grocery store area to play in that had a farm truck you could get in and pretend to drive.  Mark was in there for 10 minutes or more, he loved it and I couldn't get him out.  They also had a "fishing" area where you could use a fishing pole to catch fish; of course Mark just wanted to splash in the water, but the older boys caught lots of fish!  There was a huge train set, tunnels and slides, and a huge moon dough/sand table, where the boys spent time building mountains and playing in the sand.  Their favorite exhibit was the ball machine that used pulleys, levers, and wedges to load balls into a crane and travel through many different obstacles in the machine.  Then they were dumped out from 10 feet or so to be put back in the crane.  We packed a picnic lunch; ate and played a little bit longer before heading home for naps.  It was a fun day for the boys!  

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