Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 weeks

Ty is 3 weeks today! He is such a good baby. I feel like he's been around forever and I can't imagine life without him. :-)

He is eating about every 3 hours. At night sometimes he gives me a 4 hour stretch, so I'm only up twice during the night with him. I consider myself pretty lucky and I don't mind getting up with him. He is still sleeping a lot during the day and he sleeps anywhere- in the glider, in the swing and many times just laying in the boppy pillow. I got some pictures with his eyes open this morning. His eyes are so big now that he's finally got them totally open.

Aiden is ready for Ty to get up and play but Mommy wants Ty to stay little forever :-) I want to remember this part well because I know how quickly it will be gone.


  1. So so precious, and the time does fly by so fast. I am so glad you are staying home with the boys. They change so much everyday, nothing like having children to love! I get very emotional when I think about how quickly time flys when the children are at home. Life is so sweet and precious. You can't love them too much. You & Jeff are wonderful parents. Love you all so much Nana Annette

  2. You know you are going to have to change the name of your blog to tyandaidensmom. :O) He has already changed so much, and yes-he does look like Aiden! I love you guys!
