Thursday, March 25, 2010

Doc Update

Both the boys went the the Doctor earlier this week. It was a little crazy taking them both by myself, but they both did great! Aiden for his 2 year check-up and Ty for his 1 month.

Aiden is big and at the top of the charts as usual, and Ty is not as high on the charts, but he's big too. Aiden's motor skills are right on track and we are going to work on his verbal a little more- i. e. putting words together to make phrases. Doc says he looks great. Aiden had 2 shots that didn't make him very happy. I was holding Ty and comforting Aiden after the shots while he was on the table. He had real tears and my heart hurt for him. He's tough and it didn't take long for him to get over it.

Ty has gained over 2 lbs and Doc says he is perfectly healthy! As far as the spitting up, Doc says I am probably over feeding him and it's not reflux. the boy doesn't know when to quit!- we'll work on that. Here are the stats:

height- 36 in 82%
weight- 34 lbs 95%

height- 22 3/4in 76%
weight- 10 lbs 8 oz 62%
head cir.- 15 in 41%

they don't measure Aiden's head b/c they don't have a tape measure that big- ha ha j/k. good to know that Ty's head is a normal size unlike his older brother. big for a smart brain! :-)

Aiden doesn't go back until he's 3. Ty is back in 1 month.

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