Thursday, January 29, 2009

Daddy & Aiden

The boys were having some fun at the house and I grabbed the camera.  Nobody makes Aiden laugh as much as his dad. He lights up when Jeff walks in eh house from work.  Aiden loves to wrestle and play on the floor with Jeff.  They have a good time; they are both adorable!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Toys, toys & more toys!

This kid has more toys than he can play with. We keep them all in the dining room and he spreads them out to take up the entire room (who needs a dining room anyway?). His toys have taken over the room, but he has fun playing on the floor!  Most of the toys came from my Aunt Pam who has a 2 year old. She is so generous to let Aiden play with them! He also received some for Christmas from his grandparents.  I never imagined I would have a room full of toys for one kid and we didn't buy a single one.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Good Arm

My life revolves around him & he's all I talk about! So I thought I'd create a blog for Aiden- our 11 month old (as of today). He's doing something new all the time. Today he actually played "ball" with me. He likes to grab the ball hold it above his head & bounce it towards me. I then roll it back to him. He gets so excited watching it come toward him! And he actually throws it pretty hard!  I think I may have a future quarterback!