Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Mark is 4!

Our baby boy is 4 today!

Mark . . . 

talks a lot!  and he is very repetitive, he'll say, "Mom, will you make me a sandwich Mom?" or "I want to play with the red truck, not the blue one, the red truck".  He will be very persistent if you don't answer and will ask repeatedly until he gets an answer.  Often times, I have to tell his brothers to respond to him.

eats everything.  Of course he loves sugar (cookies, candy, etc) but he also loves bananas, apples, carrots and broccoli.  There's not much he won't eat.

still takes a nap everyday and sleeps very well.  He tried to get out of it, he said "Do 4 year olds have to take a nap?" because we've been talking about how he's a big boy now that he's 4.

is very shy around strangers.  It's like he becomes this completely different person, because he is so loud and wild at home.

likes to race me to his bed for nap time and will push me out of the way so he can be the winner!

adores his older brothers and wants to be just like them.  He loves to play with them, especially Ty and will do what they do even when he doesn't understand how, like playing video games.  He'll just pick up the controller and pretend to play like they do.

still loves to watch Blaze, Team Umizoomi, Paw Patrol and recently Little Einsteins.

says res-tra-not instead of restaurant. 

knows all his colors, but doesn't like to do letters, he gets bored easily and pretends he doesn't know when he actually does, which just frustrates me, so we quit.

wears size 5 pants and 5T or Small shirts, he wears a size 13 shoe.

I had been telling Mark that I wanted him to stay 3 and when I tucked him in, I asked him again, "Don't you just want to stay 3?" and he said "No, I am going to be 4 forever!" very proudly and I told him that on his next birthday he would turn 5 and the realization hit him and he said "you mean we get to have lots of birthdays?!?!"  It was so cute!