Saturday, April 27, 2013


Aiden and Ty could ride their bikes for days if I let them.  We were outside all day today except to eat and use the restroom.  The weather is just too nice to be indoors.  I let them ride in the cul de sac and they just love it.  Aiden loves his big bike (from Payton) and Ty is doing great on Aiden's old bike.  Ty never learned how to pedal on his tricycle, but can really go on the bike.  They will have races to see who can "smoke ya" and love to ride together.  It's great that they enjoy the outdoors and have so much fun together!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Noah's Ark

A group of moms from our church got together for a play date today at Noah's Ark.  It was a beautiful day to spend outdoors.  We had 6 big kids (2+) and 5 babies in strollers.  The kids loved playing together, looking at all the animals and picking flowers.  The babies napped on and off and enjoyed their rides around the zoo.  After taking the tour, the kids all played on the playground while all the moms got some chit-chat time.  We love days where our kids can have fun and we can get some girl time in too.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Strawberry Pickin'

We went to the strawberry farm to pick a bucket of yummy strawberries today (and sample a few as well)  The boys did a great job picking the bright red ones and they filled our bucket to the top. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Baseball is in full swing and we are loving it.  I had always looked forward to watching my boys play sports and this season has been a lot of fun.  Aiden is getting more comfortable on the field and learning the basics of the game.  He has shown major improvement since the start of the season.  Recently, he got a hit off a pitch and scored his first run!  His favorite part of practice is running the bases; I'm sure he is thinking about his speed the entire time.  He is constantly asking me, "how fast did I run?"  Our team has done well and we've won most of our games.  Aiden always watches the score board and keeps us up to date on all the numbers.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Field Trip

Just me and my biggest boy were able to spend some quality time together on his school field trip today!  We went to Southern Belle Farm for an educational day on the farm.  We have been many times before, but today Aiden and I both learned a lot.  We had a lesson on bees and honey, on cows and milk, on strawberries, and we enjoyed a tour ride around the farm.  The kids also got to jump on the big yellow pillow and ride on a cow train.  I loved getting to hang out with this big kid this morning!

Aiden's favorite part was the cow train ride.  He rode in the very back, and of course he wanted to know how fast they were going on the ride.  When we talked about all the things we learned, he remembered all the numbers;

weight of a cow = 1500 lbs
food intake of a cow = 100 lbs per day
water intake of a cow = 50 gallons per day
milk produced by a cow = 8 gallons per day
amount of Bees in hive = 20,000
strawberry plants at the farm = 90,000
blueberry plants at the farm = 1000

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mark Doc Update

Mark went to the pediatrician for his 6 month check up today!  Here are his stats:

Weight: 15 lbs 11 oz   18%
Length: 27 1/4 in   76%
Head Circ: 17 in   32%

As the nurse weighed him, I immediately noticed that he lost weight.  She told me to ask the doc about it and I did.  I was more concerned than he was.  He said that Mark looks healthy and that I shouldn't be concerned.  He said breastfed babies weight gain usually slows around this age, but I was concerned because he lost weight.  I have to admit I had major mom guilt because this was so unusual for one of MY kids.  I have big healthy boys who are always at the top of the charts for weight (especially as babies).  The doctor said I may be depleting my calories by running and that I just need to eat more. 
We also talked about Mark's constipation issues.  We are going to try to get him regular with just the foods he eats (and no medication).  He'll be eating lots of pears, prunes, and peaches. 
They made sure Mark's motor skills were developing; rolling over both ways, sitting with support, babbling, and reaching for objects.
He received 3 vaccinations again and we'll go back for a check up at 9 months. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Baseball Parade

Our Baseball Association has a parade each year on opening day.  It was cancelled due to weather (on opening day), but rescheduled for today.  The coach had an old boat, which was perfect for our float!  The boys loved riding on it and Aiden "drove" the whole time.  They all had an eye patch, and a pirate earring, which Aiden thought was really cool.  Mark and I stood along side the road and watched as they rode by.  It was a little cold, but the kids all had a great time.  Jeff and Ty rode with them too.  Our float won second place in the parade and we won a cash prize for our end of the season party!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Aunt Jenny's Blanket

Mark is unique to his brothers in the way he sleeps.  He insists on pulling his blanket up over his face in his crib.  Aunt Jenny made him this super soft teal blanket that he sleeps with.  When I lay him down he will cover his face up and it puts him to sleep.  If I lay him down when his fussy, I'll put the blanket over his face and he usually calms down.  Many times I have pulled the blanket down from his face only to find it back up when I return.  Mark loves his blanket and loves to sleep with it on his face. :) 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Game Ball

Tonight, we had a baseball game scheduled, but the weather reports anticipated severe rain and storms.  Jeff and I both expected the game to be cancelled and I even made dinner plans.  We watched our phones and e-mails all day for the "game is cancelled" message, but it never came.  Around 6:30, we received, "game is still on" message from coach, so we cancelled our dinner plans and headed to the field expecting to get rained on very soon. 
With 7 out of 10 players, we hit the field ready to play against the braves!  We were up to bat first and our team got off to a great start.  Aiden even got a hit and got on first!  We were so excited.  The stands were bare (3 moms) but we cheered loud because our team was playing so well!  The Pirates scored multiple runs, and played great defense too.  Aiden got another hit in the second inning that scored two runners for our team.  Unfortunately, he got out as he ran home.  The weather turned dark and cloudy, but the rain held off for us to play a whole game; and a great game at that!  The Pirates pulled out our first win 9-5!
At our post game huddle, the coaches talked it over and decided the game ball should to go to none other than our AJ for his 2 hits!  He took the ball from the coach and walked to my side. (too much attention on him).  Because of the expected rain, I didn't bring my camera, but this is a game I'll never forget.  It was such a great feeling watching him run the bases with a smile on his face.
We went to Truetts for ice cream to celebrate afterwards!  Way to go AJ! 


Doing laundry is something I am not a fan of, but it is a part of my daily life.  It always seems like it's never ending and the job is never complete.  Having boys, I have found some interesting items in their pockets as I clean them out before throwing in the wash.  I have found lots of coins, legos, marbles, rocks, dollar bills, stickers, candy, candy wrappers, small figurines, matchbox cars, and many other miscellaneous small toys, but today I found something a little more interesting. . .
yes, today there was a worm in the laundry pile.  Unfortunately I didn't see who's pocket it came out of (my guess- Aiden), but it was dead.  When I asked my tiny adventurers where it came from, they both were without answers.  I can't wait to see what they surprise me with in their pockets next!

Zero & a half

Mark is 6 months (or as Aiden calls it "zero and a half") today!
Mark . . .
is rolling over both ways very frequently, but doesn't use his rolling ability to move across the floor.  He generally stays in one spot.
is sleeping well.  He usually goes down around 9:00pm and wakes up once to eat, but sleeps until about 7 or 8:00.  Usually he'll take 2 naps in his bed during the day (about 2 hours each) and sometimes he cat naps in the car when we are on the go.
loves to have someone look and talk to him (especially his brothers)
is loving all the foods he has tried including avocados, carrots, pears, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, and apples.  Thus far, he hasn't tried anything he didn't like.
loves to kick in his bouncy seat to make it rock.
is very cuddly and loves to snuggle, except when he is tired.  He would rather lay down than be rocked to sleep.



Monday, April 8, 2013


The boys went to Mom's Backyard Salon today for a little trim.
Before . . .

and after . . .

bribing with candy to sit still and smile for pictures worked this time!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Chief's Retirement

Many of our friends and family came in town to celebrate my dad's retirement from the USAF after more than 30 years of service.  It was great to see everyone and to celebrate Chief and all that he has accomplished.
The retirement ceremony was an experience I will never forget.  My dad has affect so many people and it was really great to hear people talk about him and how he has impacted their lives.  It is a day I will never forget and I am so grateful to have an incredible father.


Thursday, April 4, 2013