Sunday, November 27, 2011


The boys are eating cereal in their Elmo/Christmas Pajamas- I thought they looked cute!

Friday, November 25, 2011

O Christmas Tree

We went to a local tree farm to pick out a tree today.  Aiden was very excited and remembered from last year that we put candy canes on the tree; so he kept asking if we were putting candy on the tree.  The boys ran through the trees hiding from each other.  We found a tree and Aiden helped Dadda cut it down- Ty just supervised. :-) 

Aiden helped carry the tree, but he could only use one hand because he didn't want to put his stick down.

The boys loved putting ornaments on the tree.  The bottom half of the tree had lots and lots of ornaments- even multiple ornaments on the same branch.  Ty had trouble with some, so he would hand them to me and then point to a specific spot on the tree where he wanted me to hang it.
Of course when I pull the camera out- he is a little ham!

Our lights on the tree are plugged in to a "clapper", so the boys love to turn them on and off.  Because of the constant noise, the lights will often turn on and off by themselves.  
Our Christmas tree has character thanks to the boys and I wouldn't have it any other way. :-)  

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We spent Thanksgiving and Jeff's Aunt Susan's house in Douglasville.  We enjoyed an amazing southern feast and fellowship with family and friends.  The boys loved spending time outside and the weather was perfect.  Susan and Mike have a spectacular yard with a variety of plants and trees; they even have a Koi pond in the back yard.  The fish are very friendly and love to be fed cheerios!

We tossed leaves in the air in the front yard.

Dadda helped Aiden climb a tree!

After dinner we went for a walk.  Jeff and I took turns pulling the boys in the wagon, but they were heavy, so after they got out to walk around, Aiden actually pushed me for a minute and then he pulled Ty on the way back.

We have so much to be thankful for but especially for God's faithfulness.  I am in awe of how He loves me and of all He has given me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Toddler Language

Almost every time we go for a ride in the car, Ty will randomly yell out "bee-bee" (which means Baby).  This has been happening for months now and Jeff and I were both confused by it.  I started thinking about the babies Ty has been around in his short life and realized that Logan, who we always called "baby Logan" was who he was thinking about.  I kept Logan earlier this year for a few months in our home and Logan's mom drove a red mustang.  Now, every time Ty sees a mustang (regardless of color), he yells out "beebee".  I was so relieved to finally figure it out, but it amazes me how observant both of the boys are in the car and how well they recognize cars.  They will see cars that their grandparents drive and point them out.

We had a similar situation with Aiden when he was about Ty's age.  Every time we passed a certain spot on the interstate he would make a noise that sounded like "fffff".  He also made that sound every time he saw an animal (mainly cats and dogs)- I still have no idea what the correlation is.  It took months but we determined that he was looking at a billboard that was almost hidden in the trees, which had a golden retriever on it.

Sometimes I think Aiden understands Ty better than I do.  Aiden talks to Ty like he talks to anyone else, and 90% of the time Ty listens and does what his big brother tells him to do.  Aiden will often interpret when Ty is mumbling and he'll tell me "Mom, he wants some milk" or whatever he thinks Ty is trying to communicate to me.  I guess it's that sibling connection they have. :-)