Friday, February 26, 2010

Aiden is two!

Happy Birthday Aiden!!!

What being 2 looks like for Aiden:

Things you love to do:
wrestling with Da-da- standing on his legs and falling backwards
building block towers and knocking them over while saying "oh nooooo"
tell us "no no no" while pointing to things you are not supposed to touch- like electrical outlets
playing outside
swing golf clubs with Da-da
turning things off- lights, your monitor, the microwave, pretty much any switch you can find
seeing Elmo on TV and pointing to him and saying "elmo"
closing doors
identifying your eyes, nose, ear, mouth, teeth, tongue, hair, elbow, belly (by lifting your shirt), toes
identifying the ownership of many things. ex. pointing to the laptop and saying "mom's", or pointing to the bouncy seat and saying "Ty's", etc.
reading books and turn the pages, especially at night time
running from the corner of the living room to the couch and you say "set . . . go!"
give your little brother kisses and "pet" him on the head- you say "awwww" to him
eating- anytime anywhere, you snack all day

Some of your favorite foods:
fruit: peaches, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, grapes
crackers- animal crackers, goldfish, any
cereal- you usually eat 2-3 bowls every morning

Your favorite toys:
the absolute favorite is your laptop Santa brought you. You have mastered the letters- you will press them when you hear or see the letter/sound and almost always get it right. You like to watch Mom play the games.
tools- especially the electronic ones, drills, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. You watch Da-da use the tools and mimic him.
Thomas the train, which you call "choo-choo"

It's hard to believe Aiden is two already. The first two years of his life have been very memorable and I'm sure we will continue to add to those memories. He came into our lives and we have never been the same- he brings so much laughter and joy to my life everyday. I am so thankful for the blessings he brings!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's a . . . BOY!

Ty Leon Baxter was born on Thursday February 18, 2010 at 1:25pm. We are so excited to welcome him to the world. Jeff and I are both doing great- and big brother Aiden is too! Thanks for all the love and support!
He weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long! (This makes him 1 1/2 lbs smaller than his brother at birth- Mom is thankful) :-)

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
~Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 15, 2010

Party Time

We celebrated Aiden's birthday this past weekend with our family. Jeff grilled some delicious hamburgers and I made cupcakes. Aiden's cupcake was specially made- an Elmo face and he loved it (see last pic). It turned out really cute. He was so excited to blow out the 2 "hot" candles. We bought him a Little Tikes cozy coupe car and he loves riding around the house in it- or having Daddy push him around in it rather. His actual birthday isn't until the 26th, but we're assuming we'll have a new baby by then, so the party was early.

Him and I after he ate the entire Elmo cupcake. That's Elmo's fur on his face. :-P
Daddy putting together the car and Aiden anxious to ride in it.
Elmo- I am proud of my masterpiece! :-)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Playing in baskets

Earlier this week, Maddie and Aiden discovered how much fun it would to sit inside my baskets. The hard part was getting out of them- they were both stuck, and we laughed watching them try to get out of them. :-)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Me and Aiden on our laptops. . . I was doing some online shopping and he was checking his e-mail. :-)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Showered with Love

Our friends and my co-workers had showers for us to welcome this new baby! We had a great time at the shower and are so appreciative of all the people who love us and who love this baby. I honestly think we have the best friends and family ever! Here is a group of us at the shower . . .
The gifts- WOW! We got so much! And everyone must know us well b/c everything we got was so practical! Lots and lots of diapers, wipes, toiletries, medicine, etc. I got a new diaper bag from the girls at work which I LOVE! and we got some girl bedding from the Baxter grandparents. I am so tempted to open it and start decorating the nursery, but if we are having a boy, I don't think he will appreciate all the pink. You all were so generous and we can't say thank you enough!
This picture was just too funny not to post. They guys had a bottle drinking race. They drank mountain dew and it was hilarious. I think Micah may have had some experience, because he did really well (and didn't cheat).
Here are my co-workers who gave me a shower at Dolce in Peachtree City. It was so nice and we had a great time. and the food- oh so yummy!! It was so unexpected, and I'm using my new diaper bag just to break it in for the new baby :-).
It's funny because everyone says the first born child gets all the attention; and I think there is some truth to that, but this baby is unique and special in it's own way. I was really excited to meet Aiden, but I am just as excited, if not more to meet this baby. He/She will come into the world exactly when God plans and this baby will be so loved. I am getting so excited now and I have such a peace about everything. With Aiden, I was so nervous and anxious. Yes, I'm a little anxious with this one, but my faith is stronger and I am confident in God's plan for my life and His plan for this new person that will enter our lives very soon.
Thank you for your love and support! (and all the diapers) We appreciate it more than you know.