Monday, August 8, 2016

Mark's First Day

Mark was so excited to start school today!  We have about 45 minutes after we drop off brothers until we go to his school, but Mark did not want to wait, he was ready to go!  We got to school a little early so we waited in the car. (Actually Papa's truck bc my alternator went out in carline last week) and again he was very anxious.  We finally walked in and found his room.  He was very quiet, but he walked in and found his seat and started doing his puzzle.  I hugged him and said bye and he seemed fine.  There was another boy in his class who was very upset (crying loudly) and was a distraction for Mark and the other kids.
When I picked him up, his teacher said he did great and had an awesome day!  I was so proud of him; I know he is going to learn so much this year!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Mark's Open House

It seems like we've been talking to Mark about starting school for a year and the time has finally come!  He knows where his school is, we pass it almost daily and he calls it "church school".  

Today was open house, where he got to see his classroom and meet his teachers.  He is in the "Terrific Tigers" 3 year old class.  We walked in and Jeff recognized one of his teachers Ms. Tamara, since they went to high school together!  His other Ms. Renee is pregnant and due in about a month!  They both seem very sweet and eager to start a new school year.  Mark found his goodie bag and made a cross with stickers, with his brother's help of course.  Then he explored the classroom; he found a kitchen to cook in and a basket full of dinosaurs!  I think he is going to love going to school!

Monday, August 1, 2016

First Day- 3rd and 1st grade

I am so excited about this school year.  Both boys were placed with awesome teachers and I'm looking forward to a great year.  The school supplies were purchased, labeled and packed.  We got up, ate breakfast, packed lunches and were ready to go.  I walked the boys in and Ty was very excited, he found his seat, started to color and I said bye.  I walked AJ down to his room and I could tell he was starting to get nervous.  We have the same personality and when I see his anxiety, I get upset too.  I knew if I stayed I would only make it worse.  I walked him in the classroom and quickly said bye, he looked at me and his eyes filled with tears.  I went out a side door and cried as I walked back to the car.  I was hoping for a better start, but I am still optimistic for this year.  I can't wait to see them at the end of the school day!