Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A look back

2013- wow, it flew by.  Busy is an understatement for our family.  This year has been all about our three boys and being out numbered.  Jeff and I are fortunate to have each other as a parenting team, but there team is still bigger than ours. J   

We have learned how to divide our attention and our kids have learned to be more patient.  God gave us such a sweet baby in Mark; he is more laid back than either of his brothers (probably because he has to be), but goes with the flow most of the time.  He has been eating so much lately, I feel like I can’t keep him fed.  Mark loves his brothers and wants to do what they do, he loves to play in their room and play with their toys.  All 3 boys are all so different and each have unique needs.  This year, Ty has gained so much independence.  He wants to do so much himself, but at times reminds us that he is only 3 when he has a melt down.  He’ll stand in the middle of a room and cry and when I ask what’s wrong, he’ll say, “I don’t know” in a whiny voice.  Aiden usually looks at him funny and says, “Ty, why are you crying?”.    Aiden is so mature for his age, sometimes I feel like I’m talking to a 10 year old.  He has grown out of his need to be with mom or dad, he is fine staying with someone else, but still prefers to be at home.  He has shown us this year that he is truly gifted in math and has a unique logistical mind.  I pray that God will show us how to nurture this gift so it will be used when he is older.  He is such a rule follower and hates to disappoint us.  

But can I just say, raising three children is hard!  A quick trip to a grocery store is exhausting!  Mark constantly wants food, Ty is mischievous and turning your back on him is dangerous and Aiden, who can typically entertain himself, can sometimes demand my attention with a fact type question.  Usually I can't answer it anyway; he'll ask me something like "How many feet is it to the sun from the Earth?"  I'm learning that what worked for one doesn't work for all, so we're constantly developing new strategies in parenting.  The boys fight and wrestle a lot!  When I go out with all 3, I've learned to ignore the looks of pity or of judgement.  People will often comment that I am brave, or that I have my hands full and of course I get asked regularly if we're going to try for a girl.  My response is always, "I did try . . . twice!"  Keeping the house clean and maintaining laundry is a constant battle.  I wake up almost every morning start a load, empty the dishwasher, vacuum the living room and I think to myself, "I JUST did this yesterday" or "Why am I doing this, they're just going to get it dirty again?".  Having a third child has made me forgetful.  I used to be so on top of things, but now I'm doing good to remember a friend's birthday and by the time I do, its usually too late to put the card in the mail.  
At this point, I can laugh at myself and I've learned to let things go.  I have some moments, but I've learned how to manage and to focus on the big stuff, and let the small things go.  I've said it before, I am a completely different mother with Mark than I was with Aiden; a better mother!  I LOVE having 3 boys.  God gave me exactly what I can handle and what I needed.  There are many advantages of having 3; people don't give me parenting advice anymore, most don't have as many children as I do.  I've also gotten pretty good at multitasking.  I can feed a baby, play catch with a toddler, and give math problems to a kindergartner.  The older boys love playing together and they are both so sweet to Mark.  Many times I catch them playing together and I think to myself, "what would they do without each other".  I've learned what NOT to do about many things.  I'm pretty much a baby expert, I've learned how to get them to sleep, to eat, and what entertains them.  Each baby has been easier than the previous.  I've also learned that they are almost indestructible.  One of my boys has a hard fall almost on a daily basis; I usually don't even flinch when one falls.  This is my life, and I love it.

The boys had great birthdays back in February and I’ll never forget taking them to Dave and Busters.  It was focused time on them (away from Mark) and the smiles on their faces were priceless.  Now having Mark, it seems so easy to just take 2 somewhere.  (I would probably say caring for 3 is easy if I had 4, and so on)
We attempted our first organized sport with Aiden this year and I think we were so blessed to get on the “Pirate” team.  We met some great people who were like minded in regards to children and baseball.  We weren’t too serious, but we wanted to teach them teamwork, practice, and having fun.  I’m really looking forward to watching Aiden and Ty play together this coming spring.

Aiden wrapped up his second half of pre-school this year with Ms. Karen at HFBA, and the second half he was much more comfortable than the first.  Again, we were blessed to be a part of a great group of people in the students, their parents and a wonderful teacher.  He learned so much, but most importantly he gained independence.  Jeff and I struggled (me more than him) with where to put Aiden for Kindergarten.  Since Aiden was born, we have been concerned with our public schools; after being told about the “School Choice” program we chose Rocky Creek Elementary where many of his friends would also be attending.  It has been hard this fall, with two teachers already and a large class, it’s not our ideal situation for our extremely intelligent 5 year old.  I have spoke to many people about my concerns and I’ll never forget running into a former teacher of mine from high school.  He looked at me, held my shoulders and said, “Your son will be fine”.  I needed to hear that and be reassured.  I now understand that what we do at home has a much more profound impact on our children than what they do at school.  I pray for him and his teacher daily and I pray that God will lead us to the right school as they get older.

Ty started pre-school this year at HFBA and as we expected, he is thriving and learning so much!  His teacher has become a sweet friend to me, she also has 3 children (older than ours), but has given me some great advice.  Ms. Casey is great at what she does and we are blessed that she is Ty’s teacher.  He colors in the lines and is learning his letters, the letter sounds and even the signs for each letter in sign language.  He prays and learns bible stories at school as well.  He has made some friends; Tayden and Emery seem to be his favorite.

This summer was so rainy!  We went to the pool when we could, but it seemed like it rained every other day. We spent time riding bikes, going to parks and playing outside.  We had many play dates with our friends; the Dove family has become a true blessing to ours.  The boys love spending time with their girls, and Mark and Brayden are starting to finally notice each other. J The boys and I did crafts when it rained and I didn’t appreciate the lack of schedule enough in the summer time.  It was nice that we didn’t have to be anywhere at any certain time.  When school is in, Mark’s naps are constantly interrupted by dropping off or picking up one of his brothers.  The day flies by and I feel like I spend a lot of time in the car.

I’ll remember this year because it will be the year I ran . . . a lot.  I actually wore out the running shoes I bought in January just before the half marathon.  I figured out that I ran about 300 miles in those shoes and I had to buy a new pair 2 weeks before the race.  I ran my first 5K in May, a 10K in July and the half marathon in November.  My entire family was tired of me running, so I’ve taken a break these past few weeks over the holidays.  I’ll start again soon and Jeff is going to join me!

We had many great memories with our families.  A fun week at the beach with Gram and Chief and my brothers family, Uncle Collin and Aunt Sarah's wedding, fun at LegoLand with Nannie and many more great times!

Holidays were so much fun this year, Easter, Halloween and Christmas all stand out as great memories for the boys.  I love their ages and their child-like faith.  I can only pray for faith like theirs.  God and prayer are a constant presence in our home.  The boys pray before dinner and we read their devotion and pray again before bed.  They don’t have full understanding, but they know God loves them.  Just recently Aiden was riding his bike and Jeff and I were cleaning the garage.  He asked if we could come out to the drive way with him, and we told him in a few minutes.  He said okay and told me, “there are only 2 people out here”.  I asked who and he said, “Me and God”.

2013 was a great year.  I have no doubt that 2014 will be great as well! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Jeff and I were so excited to see the boys' faces on Christmas morning!  We were keeping Jeff's mom's dog and I heard her moving around at about 6:00, so I figured one of the boys was awake.  I came out into the living room to see Aiden sitting right in front of the tree looking at all the presents.  He wasn't touching anything- just admiring.  We told him to go get Ty so he could see what Santa brought.  They opened their stockings first; Santa brought lots of candy, spin toothbrushes, toothpaste, and bubblegum mouthwash which the boys were really excited about.  He even brought Aiden some Axe- big boy soap for the shower.  Santa put their air hockey table together and they were very excited to play.  Of course Aiden loved the automatic score keeper.  The boys were impressed at how good Dadda was at air hockey.  Then we ate breakfast- donuts!  Then a little more air hockey and we started opening presents.  Mark woke up about that time and the boys were excited to give him his stocking.  It was full of toddler snacks and Mark wanted to eat everything immediately.  The boys helped Mark play with his air toy and his mini tool bench.  He loved both of them.  The boys got Hungry Hungry Hippos, Toss Across (tic-tac-toe game), Bowling Set, Superhero Pajamas, A Medical Kit and new underwear.  The 2 favorite toys were the Remote Control Helicopter and the balloon pumper.  Aiden also got a wireless speedometer for his bike and Ty got a new frisbee and an Art Paint Set for the bathtub.  While the boys were opening presents, Mark snuck away and got really quiet.  I found him in the dining room where he had pulled Aiden's plate off the table and helped himself to the rest of his donut. :-)
We had lots to play with and we played everything multiple times.  Gram and Chief came over and shared our Christmas dinner with us.  Jeff cooked a prime rib on his grill and we made a chocolate birthday cake for Jesus.  We sang Happy Birthday and the boys blew out the candles.  The boys exchanged gifts that they had picked out for each other.  Aiden got Ty a horn for his bike and Ty got Aiden a water bottle holder for his bike.  Aiden also gave Jeff and I the gifts he made at school for us.  He had insisted that we not open them until Christmas day.  He made 2 ornaments at school; one has his picture in a wreath.  Then we played Wii; Just Dance and Sports.  I think the boys had a pretty good day.  We are so blessed.    

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cookies for Santa

After a candelight service at church, yummy dinner at Waffle House, a dissapointing drive by an award winning house in Stockbridge (because the lights weren't on), we headed home to make cookies for Santa.  The boys were getting very excited and Dadda had been checking on his phone to see where Santa was throughout the night.  We made the cookies, set out carrots, reindeer food, and milk on the table.  Then the boys checked on the computer to see where Santa was and Aiden would come tell me every few minutes.  He would say, "Now he's in London" and when we saw him flying over the water heading to the U.S. I told the boys it was time to get to bed.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas with the Baxters

Tonight we celebrated Christmas with Jeff's family.  We all rode through the light show at Atlanta Motor Speedway first.  The boys loved the lights and Aiden enjoyed driving us (in Jeff's lap) on the racetrack.  Mark saw enough lights about half way through, so I climbed back with him to get him a snack (and keep him quiet).  We came back to the house to enjoy yummy breakfast for dinner and open presents!  The boys had pancakes and Aiden was so proud of himself for eating 4.  Aiden got a lego set, and Ty got 'Operation' for Christmas.  Aunt Mandy and Uncle Cale got the boys an Air Hockey table as well which they love to play!  The boys played Operation with Uncle Collin and Ty giggled every time the game buzzed.  They both loved the game.  Layla and Mark played together and stole toys from each other.  She tried to climb on her presents. :-)  She is constantly on the move and into everything and Mark just sits and watches her.  Mark loved playing with the bow with Nana and ringing the hanging bells with Papa.  We toasted to Grandmommie and drank her "stolen" apple wine.  It was a great way to celebrate Christmas with family.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Singing at Church

The boys sang at "big church" today!  It was a song they have been practicing for weeks, and one that I have heard at least a hundred times!  It's called "How on earth does God's baby sleep?"  They knew the motions, the animal noises and they were ready to sing.  We practiced a few time in their classroom and then it was show time!  On the stage, both boys were quiet and still.  Half the time Aiden hid behind his friend, Grayson.  Ty sang but look around at the audience rather than doing the motions.  Many of the other kids walked around during their performance and one nearly fell off the front of the stage.  Everyone made it off the stage safely and the older audience was very entertained. :-)  


Our silly elf has been goofing off at our house!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gingerbread House

Our annual tradition of building a gingerbread house lives on.  We almost forgot, but Ty reminded me in the store.  He was very excited to build it with Aiden.  They pretty much did the whole thing themselves, and it turned out pretty cute.  If only it tasted good. :-/

Friday, December 20, 2013


After much anticipation, we went to see Santa today!  The boys were excited and we told them many times that they needed to tell Santa what they wanted when we got there.  Of course Santa asked them what they wanted and Ty stood there with a blank stare and refused to speak.  I encouraged him to talk to Santa, but not a word would come out of his mouth.  Aiden was also very shy, but managed to tell Santa that he wanted a "remote control helicopter that can fly, a speedometer for his bike and a car maker".  Mark wasn't thrilled with Santa and was very squirmy on his lap.  At least we got one picture where they are all smiling. :-)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Doc Update- Mark 1 year

Mark went for his 1 year check up today.  A little late I know, but life has just been busy.  Aiden went with me because he was sick this morning, so I had a little helper at the Doctor.  The nurse and Dr. P wanted to see his stitches anyway; they were both very impressed.  I had to warn Aiden that Mark would be getting shots; Aiden hates shots and this is always his biggest concern when I even mention going to the Doctor.
Mark did great and is growing normally.  The nurse asked if he could feed himself with his hands, babble, say ma ma and dadda, clap, and understands no.  Mark is talking way more than either of his brothers at this age, so I didn't have any concerns.  He got 3 shots and was such a tough boy.  Aiden told me that I shouldn't let them give him shots because it made him cry, so we had a talk on the way home about shots (again) and how he got them when he was Mark's age too.

Mark is a big boy just like his brothers.  Here are his stats:

Weight: 26 lbs 10 oz  83%
Length: 32 in              86%
Head Circ: 19 in         84%

I just don't know what its like to have small children.  So many people say to me, "Wow, he is so big" and I don't even realize it until I see another child his age.  All 3 boys were big, so big is just normal to me. :-)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

He's Back!

Ralph has arrived and he's been up to no good ever since he got here.  The boys look for him every morning and I hear them say to each other, "the elf is watching you" all the time.  Usually it's Aiden saying it to Ty, but Ralph is keeping our boys in check.  Here are some of the silly things he's been doing. :-)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas with Schuberts

The great thing about having multiple families is that Christmas lasts all month and starts early!  We did our family Christmas with my parents, my brother, my aunt and uncle and our friends, the Aksamits today!  This included 10 kiddos from 9 months to 11 years.  It is always fun to get together but unfortunately for me, I had to cut it short to go into work. :-(  The kids had a great time of course; they all got nerf guns (the girls' were pink) and bullets went everywhere when we let them loose in the front yard.  We enjoyed an Italian dinner and some great fellowship.  The holiday season is now in full swing.