Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our Accomplishment

Look what Aiden and I did today!  This is definitely the tallest Lego tower we have ever made (and we make them all the time!)  Every time we pull out the Lego's Aiden wants to build a tower- I'll say "let's build a house, or a train", but he insists on making a tower.  This one is actually just a few inches from the ceiling in our dinning room.  I was standing on a chair to put the last couple Lego's on top.
You may have closed a deal, attended a meeting, presented a speech, or made a sale, but here in kid world- We made a 7 ft + tower!!!!  :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's here!

Look who got his first tooth today!  You can't see it in this pic, but his bottom right tooth just broke the skin.  All that drooling and putting objects in his mouth was worth it.  I wonder when we will see more. . .

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Down on the Farm

Along with the Hembree family, the boys and I went to Southern Belle Farm today!  It was a warm day and there was lots to do and lots to see.  The kids loved it and all had a great time!

Aiden was very interested in the chickens.
 Ty enjoyed his ride in the stroller, but Mom got a workout pushing it through the grass and dirt all day.
 The kids all picked out pumpkins of their own in the pumpkin patch.  It was difficult carrying them back to the car (in addition to keeping up with 4 kids).  We let their Dad's carve them back at the house that night.
 The highlight of the day was the huge jumpy pillow- the kids could have stayed on that all day- they were so entertained!  Jaxon flopped around on his belly, while Aiden jumped around him.  They loved it!
 Before we headed home we had to ride the cow train!  It was so cute and just big enough for the kids to ride on.  Aiden did not want to get off, he enjoyed looking around while on the train.  Here's Jadyn posing for a pic, but Aiden is too focused to look at the camera. :-)
We also went on a hayride tour around the farm, saw pig races, and looked at lots of other animals.  It was a fun, yet exhausting day.  Life is about making memories and we definitely did that today!

Friday, October 22, 2010

5 of a kind!

The Nichols' boys came to visit us very early this morning!  Aiden was excited to have some pajama playmates.  We made waffles and all the boys ate a good breakfast. 
This was the best picture I could get- and Kruz was awake. :-)

They played with their trains and Aiden's tools, but they were ready to go outside by 8:00am!  It was a little chilly, but they had energy to burn, so we went outside.  The 3 big boys played with tricycles and Aiden's mower.  Ty and Kruz stayed in the warm and cozy house.

Monday, October 18, 2010

8 months

Ty is 8 months old today!!!

Ty . . .

is babbling all the time, he can get really loud too!  He likes to sing and tap his fist on and off his mouth

puts everything in his mouth, toys, his fingers & toes, blankets and anything he can get his hands on.  His favorite thing to eat is paper.  He will find it on the table or Aiden's coloring books and he will shove a whole sheet in his mouth- he actually got my bible the other day and tried to eat the table of contents.

likes watching TV.  We've had a few restless nights where I just turned on PBS and I laid on the couch and Ty will watch for 30 min or so and be ready to go back to bed.  He watches it more than Aiden!

never took a passy (and I'm done trying).  Rarely took a bottle and we've upgraded to sippy cups.

loves blueberries!  I think they are his favorite food.

has assumed the crawling position.  He goes from sitting to leaning forward to on all fours (knees and hands), but he quickly falls onto his belly.  I am not ready for him to crawl and will be fine if it takes a couple more months. :-)

is 22 lbs!  such a big boy!

doesn't have any teeth.

is very entertained by his big brother.  He watches him run and play, and he laughs when Aiden throws things, balls, Lego's, etc.  This makes disciplining a problem when Ty's laugh is so cute, but we don't want Aiden to throw in the house. :-)

naps twice a day for 1-2 hours each.

still smiles all the time- whenever I look at him, I can get a big grin!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Ty is too big for his infant car seat (and actually has been for a while).  He's very heavy to carry in it; the weight limit is actually 20lbs- he exceeded that a few months back. Also, he is too tall for it, the handle barely goes over his head.  so . . .

. . .  it was time for an upgrade!  Ty switch to Aiden's car seat and he likes it much better!  He sits up a little more and he can see out the window too.
 Aiden got a new (bigger) seat!  It has arm rests and a cup holder!  It just fits him better and gives him (a little) room to grow.
Both the boys like their new seats.  Ty will get to turn around to face forward when he turns one.  For now he can see out the back, but he usually just watches Aiden in the car.  Both the boys are great car riders.  Aiden looks out the window for buses, trains, or fast cars.  He also likes to tell me which way is the "right way"  (he points to the front) and which is the "wrong way" (pointing out the back).  Ty used to sleep a lot in the car, and still does occasionally, but he is very entertained by Aiden.  Hopefully they will always like riding in the car. :-)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We have it Y'all: Me and My Buddy!

We have it Y'all: Me and My Buddy!: "If you know Bailey then you know that Aiden is her best buddy! You have seen them running but I bet you have never seen them sitting and smi..."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I think I have passed down my love of shoes to Aiden.  Lately, he will find a pair of shoes around the house and immediately put them on.  He loves walking around in our shoes.  He even tried to put a pair of Ty's shoes on.  At other people's houses he will put their shoes on.  He makes me laugh when he walks around in big shoes- it's so funny.  He loves all shoes,

flip flops . . .

Daddy's dress shoes . . .
and even high heels!!!

can't wait to show these pictures off when he's a teenager!  :-)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Likes and Dislikes

Kids are different.  Aiden and Ty are a lot alike, but I think as they get older their differences will come out.  When it was time for Aiden to start solids, he ate everything.  Honestly, there wasn't anything I put in his mouth that he didn't like and he usually wanted more when the jar was done.
Ty is slightly more opinionated when it comes to food.  His rule of thumb- orange is good, green is bad.  He loves sweet potatoes, carrots and squash.  As for green beans and peas, they are not to his liking.  He also likes apples, pineapple, pears, blueberries, and cereal, but he doesn't like bananas or avocados (2 foods I used to feed Aiden all the time).   It is fun trying new foods to see his reaction.