Wednesday, March 31, 2010


How can one tiny little person produce so much laundry? I feel like since Ty's arrival, my laundry load has doubled! Maybe it's because I don't have time for laundry, or maybe it's because Ty spits up/throws up pretty much on a daily basis. Probably a combination of the two. We go through an average of 3 outfits a day- both him and I. So he is causing my laundry to pile up as well. He is definitely a well fed baby, maybe a little too well. He's starting to fill out and get the rolls. I'm not complaining about the laundry- he's totally worth it! :-)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Bunny

This past weekend, we got together with some friends from church and celebrated Easter. We did an Easter egg hunt in the front yard and the Easter Bunny even showed up. Aiden loved hunting eggs and opening them to find candy! He was not so thrilled about the Easter Bunny. He wasn't scared of him, but he wanted to keep a safe distance. Aiden did not want to give him "high 5", he was more interested in opening his candy. The other kids loved the bunny and were very excited to see him. We had a lot of fun. Having kids at holidays makes them ten times more fun!

Ty's first Easter! :-)
This is about as close as Aiden wanted to get to the bunny. The other kids loved him!
Hunting eggs . . . notice paparazzi Jenn back there!

I thought the Easter bunny was very cute. Can you guess who was inside?
The best picture I could get of the kids with the Easter bunny. The sun was right in their eyes. ha ha
Here's Aiden while all the kids were hanging out with the bunny- he just wants his candy!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Doc Update

Both the boys went the the Doctor earlier this week. It was a little crazy taking them both by myself, but they both did great! Aiden for his 2 year check-up and Ty for his 1 month.

Aiden is big and at the top of the charts as usual, and Ty is not as high on the charts, but he's big too. Aiden's motor skills are right on track and we are going to work on his verbal a little more- i. e. putting words together to make phrases. Doc says he looks great. Aiden had 2 shots that didn't make him very happy. I was holding Ty and comforting Aiden after the shots while he was on the table. He had real tears and my heart hurt for him. He's tough and it didn't take long for him to get over it.

Ty has gained over 2 lbs and Doc says he is perfectly healthy! As far as the spitting up, Doc says I am probably over feeding him and it's not reflux. the boy doesn't know when to quit!- we'll work on that. Here are the stats:

height- 36 in 82%
weight- 34 lbs 95%

height- 22 3/4in 76%
weight- 10 lbs 8 oz 62%
head cir.- 15 in 41%

they don't measure Aiden's head b/c they don't have a tape measure that big- ha ha j/k. good to know that Ty's head is a normal size unlike his older brother. big for a smart brain! :-)

Aiden doesn't go back until he's 3. Ty is back in 1 month.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ty's room

Look who is sleeping in his "big boy" bed!!!!
He's a little crooked, but he's back in his own room (and out of Ty's room)! We started putting him in his bed on Friday night anticipating that he would get out of the bed and we would have to put him back numerous times. That didn't happen at all! He slept great in it and didn't get up once. He has napped in it too!

Yesterday during nap time he got out and came out to find me in the living room, so I didn't push the nap and we put the gate up. I think he just realized that he could walk right out. But overall, it's going great! He feels proud of himself and we encourage him that he is a "big boy". And he understands that Ty needs the crib and the other room is Ty's.

So . . . I finally finished Ty's room yesterday! Personally, I think it's adorable. When Ty was born it was just a bare room with a crib (since we didn't know what we were having). I wanted to give him his own space and I wanted it to be different than Aiden's. I did everything in brown and blue and I did most of it myself like the "T" pillow on the wall and the frames above the crib. Still need to get some pics in frames, but the rest is done.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

1 month

Ty is one month old today! Where has the time gone? Already it seems like it's going by so quickly.

Part of me feels like he was born just yesterday and the other part feels as if he's been here all along. I know I am so blessed to have my boys- they are healthy and happy and not to mention, adorable!
He always looks so serious- like he is in deep thought.

Ty is . . .

sleeping great at night, up 1-3 times to feed and right back to sleep

not a good burper. I've been thrown up (not spit up) on more times than I care to remember. We make sure he burps more often now.

picking his head up very well. Jeff calls it "turtle head" when he lifts his head up looks side to side and lays it back down. Often times, he does it in his sleep. :-)

a great shopper! he loves his car seat and sleeps in it 90% of the time.

still not a fan of taking baths- he gets cold and screams while in the water.

likes to keep his legs and feet tucked in

likes being held face down up on a shoulder best

still wearing newborn clothes, but they are getting tight- not too much longer

Happy 1 month B-day Ty!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Photo Shoot

A couple weeks ago, we had a photo shoot with the boys. The pics turned out great, here are some of the shots. click here to see our awesome photographer's website!! Thanks Kelsey!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Family Day at the Park

Earlier this week we enjoyed a visit to the park. It was a beautiful day and Jeff was off so we took a picnic and enjoyed the outdoors.
Aiden was running away from Jeff as he was chasing him.
Ty catching some rays- he still has a little jaundice.
blowing bubbles! we went through the entire bottle. Aiden loved it!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 weeks

Ty is 3 weeks today! He is such a good baby. I feel like he's been around forever and I can't imagine life without him. :-)

He is eating about every 3 hours. At night sometimes he gives me a 4 hour stretch, so I'm only up twice during the night with him. I consider myself pretty lucky and I don't mind getting up with him. He is still sleeping a lot during the day and he sleeps anywhere- in the glider, in the swing and many times just laying in the boppy pillow. I got some pictures with his eyes open this morning. His eyes are so big now that he's finally got them totally open.

Aiden is ready for Ty to get up and play but Mommy wants Ty to stay little forever :-) I want to remember this part well because I know how quickly it will be gone.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bed time routine

Bedtime/bath time has become Aiden and Da-da's time. Aiden loves doing his bedtime routine with Jeff because they play through it all. I love to hear the laughter they both share. After taking a bath Aiden gets wrapped up in his towel and goes into his room and he plays with Jeff on his "big boy" bed. They wrestle and Aiden laughs as Jeff throws him around on the bed. Then it's time to get dressed and brush his teeth, while singing ABC's. After a few stories, it's time for "night night" and lights out. Aiden loves the time he has with his Daddy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

12 days

I just gave Ty a bath- he's not a fan of them. but I had to get some pictures of him with his eyes open! It's hard to catch him awake. All clean and warm now, about to fall asleep again :-).