Thursday, September 30, 2010

Zoo Fun

We are holding on to this nice weather and I am taking advantage of it.  Today we met up with Jennifer and Bailey at Noah's Ark.  I still can't believe we have this amazing zoo 10 minutes from our house!  They have everything; lions, zebras, bears, tigers, horses, buffalo, too many to name. 

This time, Aiden was amazed by the bird exhibit.  He just watched them chirping and flying, and he was so impressed.  The tigers and lion, not a big deal to Aiden.  (couple more years I guess)

Due to vacations, we hadn't seen Bailey in a while and Aiden was so excited to see her.  They ran up to each other and exchanged a big hug- it was adorable!

Here they are walking past the Llamas.

Ty hung out in the stroller and he had a great time- just enjoyed the weather and the ride through the zoo.

The kids posing for a pic on the bench.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Myrtle Beach

This past weekend we took a trip to Myrtle Beach, SC with Jeff's family.  We couldn't have asked for better weather- it was really nice.  The boys both enjoyed the beach.  Ty ate the sand, as most kids do and he hung out in the shade under the umbrella. 
On the first day, Aiden got knocked down by a wave and he got a mouth full of water- it scared him a bit and he was nervous to get in the ocean after that.  We would go out to the beach and after about 5 minutes he was asking to go to the pool.
Aiden and Papa built a sand castle- or actually Papa built a sand castle and Aiden destroyed it. :-)

 Ty is officially a water baby!  He loved being in the pool- he would float for an hour at a time.  He also loved sitting in the kiddy pool and splashing!
This was the best pic I could get of the boys.  Aiden was "cheesing". 
Aiden loved playing in the pool- he jumped and kicked all around.  He never wanted to get out, he could swim all day!
With all that playing, the boys were exhausted!  They took a nap in our bed together! :-)

We enjoyed some yummy seafood.  Here we are drinking a "fish bowl" of a rum runner- all 5 of us. :-)

It was a great trip- I wasn't ready to come home.  Lots of memories for our family.

click here for more pics

Monday, September 20, 2010

Surprise Da-da

In celebration of Jeff's upcoming 30th birthday, I threw him a surprise party on Sunday!  He was definitely surprised!  All week I thought he may have suspected something, but he said he had no clue.  I was so glad that I was able to catch him off guard. 
He went golfing that morning and when he was done, we were waiting for him.  It was a nice day and the guys played corn hole in the back yard.  The kids ran around outside- all 10 of them played really well together.  We grilled dogs and burgers and had cupcakes for dessert!  It was a great time with family and friends to celebrate a great guy!  Jeff told me it was one of the best days of his life! :-)
click here for more pics

Monday, September 13, 2010


Now that Ty is sitting up, he is much more interactive.  Him and Aiden have actually started playing together.  It doesn't last long- Aiden gets bored with him and Ty usually ends up putting toys in his mouth, but it's so cute when they do play together.  Aiden will hand Ty toys and say "Here ya go, Ty bo".  Ty is very entertained by Aiden, he will watch him play and run around the house.  Aiden also makes funny noises to make Ty laugh.  I love watching them play together. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nat'l Night Out

Last night we went to National Night Out- a community outreach put on by the Henry County Police Department.  Aiden had a great time!  We met up with Uncle Collin and Aiden got to sit on a helicopter, fire truck and motorcycle.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

photography by Aiden

this is what happens when you ask a 2 year old to take your picture. :-)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

button pusher

Jennifer and I went to church yesterday to decorate some bulletin boards in the kid's classroom and the hallway.  We brought the kids in hopes they would be entertained by all the toys and the playground.  They were playing great, but we needed some supplies.  We brought everyone upstairs to the resource room.  As we gathered supplies the kids waited out in the hallway and my curious toddler saw this . . .

Being the "button pusher" he is, he just had to pull it.  The noise scared Bailey and Aiden just stood there in shock watching the lights.  I called the church office to get it turned off (and apologize for my toddler's mischievous behavior).  Of course everyone evacuated the building and I had to apologize for the interruption he caused to them.  Jennifer got Bailey calmed down and Aiden said "loud" every 5 seconds for the rest of the day.