Wednesday, September 1, 2010

button pusher

Jennifer and I went to church yesterday to decorate some bulletin boards in the kid's classroom and the hallway.  We brought the kids in hopes they would be entertained by all the toys and the playground.  They were playing great, but we needed some supplies.  We brought everyone upstairs to the resource room.  As we gathered supplies the kids waited out in the hallway and my curious toddler saw this . . .

Being the "button pusher" he is, he just had to pull it.  The noise scared Bailey and Aiden just stood there in shock watching the lights.  I called the church office to get it turned off (and apologize for my toddler's mischievous behavior).  Of course everyone evacuated the building and I had to apologize for the interruption he caused to them.  Jennifer got Bailey calmed down and Aiden said "loud" every 5 seconds for the rest of the day.