Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hilton Head

This past weekend we went to Hilton Head, SC with my family. The guys played golf, the girls went shopping, and we all went to the beach. It was a lot of fun and it went by way too quick!

The whole gang at the beach.
Aiden playing with his cousin Marley in the sand.
Aiden and I in the pool. This was his first time in the pool this year and he is very intimidated by it. He clung to me very hard and his floaty suit didn't work too well because he can't hold his balance. We'll work on it this summer.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Doc Update

Ty went to the doctor today! Here are his stats:

Height: 24 inches 80 %
Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz 80%
Head: 40%

Everything went well and doc said he looks perfect! He is holding his head up well and has great muscle movement. He got his first set of shots- not fun. :-( He screamed for a minute after his shots, but he got over it quick and went to sleep on the ride home.
I can't believe how much he weighs- I knew that he had really gotten big this month, but I was surprised that he gained 3 1/2 lbs in one month! When Aiden was 2 months old he was 14 lbs 2 oz, so Ty is really catching up (considering they were 1 1/2 lbs apart at birth). We'll go back in June when he is 4 months old.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

2 months

Ty is 2 months old today!

He has really filled out in the past month. Look back at his one month pictues- click here. A man at church told me that he is a "healthy" baby- yeah, I know what he meant- Ty is fat! But I think the chunky babies are the cutest. Ty is definatly a cutie!

Ty . . .

is a great sleeper at night- after a big dinner at night, he usually goes down around 10pm and typically wakes up around 2 and 6 to eat. He nurses and goes right back down. Sometimes he sleeps until 9am. Of course every night is different, but he sleeps in the crib next to our bed and doesn't need to be rocked or cuddled to sleep.

is not a great "napper" during the day, but that might have something to do with noisy big brother always bothering him. He only sleeps about 30 min at a time during the day.

is getting much better at burping! still spits up, but we've gotten it under control, and mommy isn't changing her shirt 10 times a day :-)

likes riding in the car as long as we are moving. He doesn't like sitting still at red lights or stop signs. He is happy when the car is in motion!

is now taking baths with his big brother. He doesn't mind it at all and it's much easier on mommy to put him in with Aiden.

still likes to be held up on my shoulder rather than craddled in my arms.

is filling his 0-3 months clothes well- some are getting tight

spends most of his time in the bouncy seat. He rotates the glider, the swing and the activity mat, but prefers the bouncy seat best.

smiles about once a day and mommy loves it!

likes to be on his tummy on the floor or on the couch. Sometimes he sleeps on his tummy (supported)

is mesmerized by the ceiling fan- he stares with his big blue eyes.

has earned the nickname "grunt" because of his noisy sleeping. As he stretches & gets comfortable, he and moans and groans constantly.

It's already going by too quickly and I'm not taking nearly enough pictures. We have hundreds of Aiden at this age, and only a few of Ty- it's that poor second child syndrome. I have to get better. I have fully adjusted to having 2 and I love it. They keep me so busy that my house doesn't stay clean and the laundry is always piled up, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Ty is a great baby and I am so happy he came into our lives :-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Weekly Wrap

We've been busy around here this week- what's new right?

Big news- Ty gave us his first smile this week! Of course I was super excited. I actually got a couple pics of him smiling too. He is starting to coo a lot more as well- it's adroable. He kicks his legs and punches his arms all the time. We've been doing tummy time each day and he is getting stronger, gaining better control of his movements.

Aiden admires his Da-da so much! He wants to do everything he does. The real mower makes him a little nervous, but he is also very curious. Aiden loves being outside and I usually have to bribe him to come in (food works every time) :-)

Aiden has just recently become interested in television. He never watched when he was younger, but he now wants to watch Elmo almost everyday. He'll sit still on the sofa for maybe 10 minutes and then go play and he might come back and watch for a bit. It's on and off, playing and watching TV. His favorite shows are Sesame Street "elmo", Thomas and friends "choo-choo", and Curious George "George". Of course I don't want to make a habit of him watching TV all day, but the entertainment it brings is a nice break for me.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Brothers in PJ's

The boys were playing on the floor this morning in their pajamas. Ty likes to move his arms and kick his legs and look at the fan. Aiden was excited about Ty laying on the floor and he laid beside him. Aiden is getting much better with Ty (no more hitting). He likes to say "Hi Ty" and "pet" him on the head. Sometimes he'll rock him in his bouncy seat and he's helpful with throwing diapers away. It's so sweet to see Aiden love his little brother! :-)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Have I told you how much this kid likes cereal? Every morning he eats about 3 bowls (kid sized bowls). He loves it! I am buying cereal at the store constantly. Aiden will eat any kind- even the healthy stuff! :-) Today it's honey-nut cheerios. Remember to eat your breakfast- Aiden did!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

We celebrated Easter by attending church and spending time with family at my parent's house. My brother's family came and the kids had an egg hunt. The eggs were filled with candy and money- Aiden was excited about both! When he says "bunny" it sounds like he's saying "money"! Ty had a great time- he slept most of the day!
The Easter Bunny brought Aiden a "bubble mower". Bubbles are supposed to come out as he pushes. . . well, in order for them to actually come out, he has to run fast. Being a "heavy" child, Aiden isn't the fastest runner or the most coordinated, so he couldn't get the bubbles to come out, but he loved pushing the mower around. We might send this one back to the Easter bunny for a regular mower. :-)
Kylie, Payton, Marley & Aiden getting ready to hunt eggs! It's not easy to get 4 kids to look at the camera and smile. Actually, Payton is the only one actually looking at the camera and no one is genuinely smiling. Great pic kids!
I love Easter and this year was a great one! I'm looking forward to teaching the boys the reason we celebrate and to many more egg hunts!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Ty is 6 weeks old today and he is getting chunky!!! Everyone tells me how big he is, and to me he is still small (because Aiden is all I have to compare him too). He is really starting to fill out and I think he will have the rolls just like Aiden did. The chunky ones are the cutest!