Monday, August 29, 2011

Fun with Cousins

My brother and his family came in town to celebrate his and Payton's birthdays.  The boys love spending time with their cousins.  I took some pictures of the kids playing in the back yard.


The boys and I have been enjoying the pool lately and since school is back in, we are usually the only people there.  Now that Ty is willing to wear floaties, I can take both of them and sometimes I even get to lay out. 
Ty likes to play on the steps, but sometimes he steps off where he can't touch and his floaties hold him up, but he doesn't have full control of his body yet, so his legs float up.  Both the boys love to jump in and Aiden does very well moving around the pool.  He likes to look at the drains and lights in the pool.  Our pool also has a water fountain and the boys usually spend half of their time playing in it.  Boys just have to press buttons and it's so exciting when water comes out! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

3 1/2

Aiden is 3 1/2 years old today.  The day he was born is such a vivid memory for me.  I was so nervous (like most first time moms), and he was so big- 9lbs 5oz and I loved holding him.  He was born at 7:36pm and he slept all night that first night and I just watched him.  He is still a great sleeper.  3 1/2 years later, he has a unique personality and many great character traits.  I am so blessed to be his "mom".  (He has never called me mommy or mama.)

Aiden . . .

  • is so considerate.  He loves to share, mostly food or toys.  He will offer whatever he can to Ty when he cries.

  • is painfully shy around strangers.  He doesn't like to say hi or answer their questions.  Lately, he prefers to sit with Jeff and I in big church, rather than go into his class with the other kids.

  • knows all his colors and letters, and most of his numbers.

  • loves fruit (especially strawberries and pineapple), yogurt, granola bars, chicken nuggets and ice cream.  He will eat vegetables when dessert is rewarded.  He thinks he doesn't like cheese, but eats it on pizza or mixed in a dish, but will not eat it as a slice.

  • sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon.  I have to wake him up from his nap each day. 

  • loves power tools (especially Dadda's drill), fans, and vacuums.

  • likes to talk on the phone and imitates me when he does.

  • wears 3T-4T clothes and wears a size 11 shoe.

  • weighs 41 lbs.

  • has no interest in television.  He will not sit still for 5 minutes to watch.  Because of this, he knows very few cartoon characters.

  • prays every night at dinner.

He is my big, sensitive, considerate boy.  I love who he is and I couldn't ask for anything more.  God blessed me tremendously when He gave us Aiden 3 1/2 years ago.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ty- Doc Update

Ty went to the doctor today and Doctor P said he looks great!  He had 2 shots and took them like a champ!

Here are his stats;

Weight: 27 1/2 lbs   75%
Height:  33 1/2 in     82%
Head Circ:  19 1/2 in   90%

Thursday, August 18, 2011

18 months

Our little baby boy is 18 months old already!  Ty is growing like a weed and experiencing new things everyday.  I love this age because he is so interactive, but he is also testing his boundaries.  He grins when I discipline him- I think he knows how cute he is!

Ty . . .

  • loves bread (a plain piece of wheat makes him so happy), cheese is also one of his favorite foods

  • is saying new words almost everyday.  Recently he has said juice, cheese (when I point the camera at him), and bye.

  • sleeps well at night for 8-9 hours and is an early riser, usually between 6:00-7:00.  He has just recently switched from 2 naps to 1 for about 2-3 hours each day.

  • loves to give hugs and kisses.  and likes to cuddle when he first wakes up.

  • knows some body parts; toes, nose, hair, eyes, and belly

  • loves to say "dog", and says "dog" when he sees any animal.  There are horses on the main road outside our neighborhood and when we drive by, like clockwork- Ty says "dog".  I correct him, but I think "horse" is too hard to say.

  • has become a little violent.  He tends to hit Aiden when Aiden has something he wants.  Aiden is so good and never hits back.  He usually tells me "Ty hit" and after disciplining Ty, I'll make them hug each other- its so cute.  Ty also bit his friend Kruz recently while riding in a double stroller with him.  Hopefully this mean streak won't last too long.

  • loves to wear Aiden's underwear.  He puts them on at night after bath over his diaper.

  • loves to drive (play with toy steering wheels) in the grocery cart and with his red coupe car at home

  • wears floaties in the pool and loves the freedom.  He can't swim by himself because he doesn't have full control of his body in the water, but he jumps in and moves around well when I am in the pool with him.

  • loves shoes!  He wants to wear everybody's shoes- he will find a pair that are laying around the house and put them on to walk around in.  He will also bring me my shoes and put them on my feet for me.

  • loves to dance.  He nods his head and flaps his arms up and down while running around.

  • is such a messy eater; has even been known to throw his food on the floor when finished.

  • points one finger on his highchair tray when he wants more food.  He is telling us exactly where he wants us to put it.

Aiden often asks me why Ty does certain things and my usual response is "because he's a baby".  Now, he is completely out of the baby stage and into toddlerhood.  I am enjoying watching him grow so much.  His smile is so contagious and lights up a room.  We are so blessed to have Ty in our family.  He is a happy and healthy little boy and he is loved so much!