Friday, July 31, 2009


Learning to use a spoon

Aiden is starting to learn how to feed himself. I thought yogurt was a great first food to try since it will stick to the spoon. He did really well. Of course he got messy, but not as bad as I expected. He actually wanted all the food to go in his mouth and not all over him. He loves gaining independence and now he wants to always feed himself, but certain foods are still difficult. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon enough. I took a video of him too that I will try to upload. Here are some of the pics:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hair Cut

Aiden got a hair cut yesterday! We took him out on the back porch in his highchair and gave him a buzz. This is his second official haircut. Jeff was home, so we did it together. Aiden does great- he just sits there and lets us cut. I didn't get an "after" shot because we took his clothes off and brought him straight to the tub afterward- he was covered in hair. But it looks great. The clippers were a great investment!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fish, fish, more fish and some chicken

On Friday we went to the Georgia Aquarium with my girlfriend and her daughter, Bailey. The kids had a great time looking at all the fish. When we first got there Aiden was a little overwhelmed with all the people, but he got comfortable after a little while. Chic-fil-a was having "Cow Appreciation Day" and if you dressed up like a cow, you got a free meal, so we dressed the kids up. They had matching shirts that had cow prints on the front and the back said "eat mor chikin".
The kids LOVED this character fish. Aiden laughed at him and gave him "5". We had to drag them away.

Everyone thought they were twins. Bailey is 3 months older than Aiden, but they get along great!

Here we are at CFA, waiting on our nuggets.
It was great to get out of the house for a fun kid adventure. Mom and Aiden were both very tired when we got home.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Favorite Toy

Aunt Pam gave this toy vacuum a couple weeks ago and Aiden LOVES it! But we knew he would, he has been playing with the real vacuum for a while now. He loves the noise and all the gadgets! His vacuum has lots of neat parts too. He will push it all around the house. It has a little handheld vacuum attachment and he uses that too. He hasn't quite figured out the hose- he tries to eat it. I only have one complaint about the toy- it doesn't actually have any suction! Why wouldn't they help us mom's out? oh well!