Thursday, January 27, 2011

Robot Crawl

Ty's crawl has improved from the army crawl to the "robot crawl".  In case your wondering, Jeff comes up with these terms.  Ty's belly is off the floor and he moves fast in a robotic fashion.  It's too funny!  He is getting into everything now, since he can move around and reach for things by pulling up.  He is on his feet all the time moving around with one hand on the furniture to keep his balance.  This week he knocked over my full glass of juice and he pulled out all the tissues in the Kleenex box.  I can't turn my back to him- he is a very curious boy!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Typical Day

Mom built a new train track for our Thomas Train, Aiden destroyed it 10 minutes later

Ty opened the box of baby wipes and took out every single one

Aiden hid the baby monitor and I looked for it for hours- finally found it in Ty's crib

Mom and Aiden played in the fort that Dadda built

We went outside and the boys rode the jeep in circles for about 45 minutes.  They both loved it!

Ty tried pineapple- made a funny face and spit it out

Mom worked on recognizing letters with Aiden

Mom put on praise music, both boys danced around the living room.

Aiden put Jell-O Chocolate pudding in his hair b/c he wanted "spikey hair" like Dadda

Ty ate peas and chicken for dinner and when he was done he brushed them off the tray so peas and chicken covered the kitchen floor

Mom and Aiden vacuumed the kitchen

just a typical day with these boys!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Haircut

For a baby, Ty has a lot of hair.  He often wakes up with bedhead.  see below :-)

 so it was about time for a haircut.  I had trimmed the front before just so his hair wasn't in his eyes and I also trimmed around his ears.  Today, I gave him a full (all over) haircut.  It was just so shaggy and would go in all different directions.  I put Super Why on TV and grabbed the scissors to snip away.  He sat still for the most part, but he would look back at me every now and then wondering what I was doing.  With his new hair cut he looks older- like a boy not a baby.  But I think it turned out pretty cute!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pulling Up

Ty has found that he loves being on his feet!  He is pulling up on everything and everytime I turn around he's standing somewhere.  His favorite place to stand is near the couches.  He has even started walking around (while holding onto furniture of course) to see more of what is going on- usually whatever Aiden is doing.  He likes to stand by the table to reach for his snacks or whatever he can find, especially the TV remote!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Look what Dadda brought home from work!  This huge box which he and Aiden turned into a fort!  Aiden loves his new fort, he plays with all his toys in the fort and loves to show it off.  It has a window, and a door and it's tall enough for him to stand up.  Mom played in the fort with him too.  He even decorated it with stickers! Ty is not a fan of the fort and screams every time I put him in it.   
 Aiden likes to read in his fort.  Dadda installed a special light in the ceiling of his fort so he can see at night.
 This fort takes up a lot of space!  But Aiden is having a great time playing in it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This and That

I've taken lots of pictures lately.  Sometimes I look at the kids and think "I need to grab my camera quick before they get any bigger", or "Have I taken any pictures this week" because Ty is growing so fast and I have to capture it.  Here's a look at what's been going on at our house lately:

Aiden is doing well at dressing himself.  This task will make my life just a little bit easier so I am strongly encouraging it.  He went to the bathroom the other day and came out like this . . .

(pants on backward)
and all I said was "good job buddy", I gave him a high five and laughed. :-)

Coupons- I really slacked off during the month of December and actually paid full price for groceries a couple times!  Ty helped me catch up on cutting coupons one day. :-)
 He had a blast rolling around in the coupons!  He crushed them up and slid them around.

 One thing that I love about having two kids of the same gender is dressing them alike.  I put the boys in a Polo sweater vest for church on Sunday.  They might hate me for this later, but I'll continue to do it while they are young. 

As I've mentioned, Ty puts everything in his mouth, so I am constantly watching him and pulling things out of his mouth when I see him munching on something.  I didn't think I had to worry about this with Aiden anymore.  Evidently, this looks like candy to my son . . .

I'm still confused as to why he did it, but Aiden bit into a dishwasher pac!  He actually gets these out of the cabinet and puts them in the dishwasher when he is helping me in the kitchen, so he knows what they are.  I guess his curiosity got the best of him.  I don't think much went in his mouth because I found the opened pac, but he came to me moving his tongue around his mouth and he was upset.  I immediately smelled the soap and gave him a drink and washed him off (it got on his skin too).  I'm pretty sure he won't do that again because he continues to tell me that "soap taste yucky".

Lastly, our Ty is now pulling up.  He goes from sitting to standing very quickly and he does it everywhere!  His new favorite place- the bathtub! 

We are constantly telling him to sit down while in the bath, but around the house he pulls up on everything and really enjoys all that he can see from standing up. 

So that's it.  Never a dull moment with these 2 crazy boys in our house! :-)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

It snowed (or iced rather) last night which means Da-da stayed home from work!  We bundled the boys up so they could go out and play.  Ty could barely move because he had so many layers on.  Aiden stomped on the snow, rode his big wheel, pushed his mower and attempted to sled down the drive way.  Jeff tried to make him a sled, but it didn't really slide.  What he really wanted to do was ride his Jeep in the snow.  Since it has better tires than our cars, we got it out and let him ride (too bad it doesn't have AWD).  He got stuck a couple times and the human tow truck (Da-da) got him out and helped him push when his tires spun.

I love the look on Ty's face in this picture! :-)

Monday, January 3, 2011


Santa brought Aiden a Jeep and he loves it!  He took his little brother for a ride and I got some pics of them.  Ty had a great time- he was very content riding in the Jeep.