Thursday, May 22, 2014

AJ's End of the Year Program

I'm not sure how, but Aiden's school year has come to an end.  It really has flown by.  This morning he had his "graduation" and school program.  It was so cute to see all the kids dressed up.  They sang a few songs and each received a certificate for completing kindergarten.  He has had a great year and I can really see the progress in his reading.  He knows hundreds of sight words, and can sound out many other words on his own.  He continues to amaze me in the math that he does.  He loves to multiply and divide, measure things, and count money.  I'm convinced he will find a career where he uses math every day.
Ms. Gable really knows him well and has been a great first year teacher for him.  She is very patient and structured at the same time.  She has taken the time out to work with AJ on his level which I am very thankful for.  Kindergarten has been a great experience for him.  He has come such a long way from the crying 4-year old when I dropped him off at pre-school last year. :-)
We now officially have a first grader!   

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

AJ's Water Day

The highly anticipated kindergarten water day was today at school.  Jeff took the day off to volunteer and get some one-on-one with our big boy.  He had so much fun!  They split the kids into groups and they went around to 12 different stations, some were very creative.  They had sponges, sprinklers, balls, hula hoops, bucket relay races, and even a snow cone station.  The younger boys and I came up to see all the fun AJ was having.  Jeff and AJ went to Waffle House afterwords.  I'd say it was a good day in the life of our 6 year old!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Strawberry Pickin

Our Mom's group went to pick strawberries at Southern Belle Farm today.  It was a beautiful breezy day and Mark and Ty had a blast.  Mark was everywhere!!!  I could barely keep up; he thought it was fun to run up and down the aisles in between the strawberries.  Every now and then he would stop to pick and eat a strawberry so he had them all over his face and he probably ate 20 of them!  The other moms and dads helped me grab him so he couldn't get away.  We were picking in one patch and I turned away for a minute and he had ran off onto another patch across the road!
We looked at the farm animals on our way out and saw their baby cow.  We came to the farm last year when the Mama cow was pregnant. :-)
Love the fresh strawberries from the farm- there's nothing like it!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ty's Party

Ty's first year of preschool has come to an end and his class had a party today to celebrate!  They had lots of yummy kid friendly food and everyone got presents.  We made his 2 teachers a "beach" themed basket for summer.  This has been such a great year for Ty and we are so thankful for Ms. Casey and Ms. Kim!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ty's Water Day

Ty had water day at his school today!  The kids went around to stations and played all day!  Mark and I stopped by at the end to watch all the fun activities.  Ms. Casey and Ms. Kim jumped right in with the kids and were just as wet as they were!  This was a fun way to end the school year; all the kids loved it!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Muffins with Mom

 I came to AJ's school today for Muffins with Mom's.  He made me a card, a coupon book and wrote "All About Mom".  Evidently he thinks I am lazy because he wrote I like to "sleep".  I did love the last one where he wrote that I "protect him".  Loved spending time with my big boy!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ty's End of the Year Program

Ty's End of the Year Program was tonight at his school.  He had been practicing for a while but would not sing any of his songs for me at home.  We had to save lots of seats because Ty had lots of grandparents there including his great grandmother "Nana Lois".  I was so proud of Ty because he got on stage and sang every word and did the motions with his class for two songs.  They were all so cute.  Their baseball team had a game at the same time as the program so Aiden went and played with the team and Mr. Adam brought him back to the church for us.   It has been such a great year for Ty and he has learned so much.  We are very thankful for Ms. Casey and the Academy!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ty's Fieldtrip

Ty's class took a field trip to Twin Oaks Farm today and Mark and I came along for all the fun!  They had an awesome playground where the kids played for a while.  Ty loved finding all his friends when we first got there.  Mark thinks he's part of the class and jumps right in.  Ty's class got to pet and feed some farm animals, learn about bees, pick strawberries, play in a small house filled with corn kernels and have homemade strawberry ice cream for a snack.  We had a lot of fun, but I was worn out after chasing Mark all over the farm.  He is such a little explorer and has a hard time staying by me.