Monday, February 28, 2011

Train Party

On Saturday we celebrated the boy's birthdays with a Train Party!
 Ty took a nap with Gram during the first half of the party and then ate chicken nuggets and b-day cake.  A perfect day for him!
 The kids played with bubbles and balloons and ran around the large room we had.  I think they all had a blast and probably slept very well that night.
 Aiden and Uncle Collin

It is so much fun to celebrate the boy's birthdays.  I really enjoyed planning/decorating, but seeing Aiden run around with all his friends was really great.  Ty pushed his walker around and had fun visiting everyone.  It was a great party with all of our wonderful family and friends.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Aiden- 3 years

Aiden  . . .

is becoming very polite.  He has learned how to ask for things nicely and say please, thank-you, and your welcome.  Sometimes he will say "your welcome" before I have said thank you and he will say it over and over until I say thank you.  Typically he says "okay" after being told to do something.

has strangely become fond of stuffed animals.  He wants certain ones in his bed at night and just the other day he sat his monkey on the table and told him to "watch Aiden" as he colored a picture in his coloring book.

uses the potty "like Dadda" (standing up) and doesn't make a mess anymore!  He also pulls up his undies and pants by himself.  He needs help putting on shirts.

loves tools!  He talks about Dadda's drill all the time and loves to watch when Jeff is working with tools at home.  Power tools are Aiden's favorite.

is very interested in music and has some favorite songs.  In the car he will often ask "what's that song?", and then there are his requests.  Lately he wants "stuck like you" (stuck like glue-Sugarland), "hee ya"(hey ya- Outcast), "spinner" (I run to you- Lady A), and "livin on love"(Alan Jackson).  These are songs he'll hear one time and then request them over and over.

has such a southern accent already, especially when he says "down".  He drags out his words almost like a song.

still isn't interested in television or movies at all.

is very helpful around the house.  He loves to help with anything that has a button, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, etc.  If only I could get him to clean up his own toys.

loves rice, strawberries, cereal, granola bars, grapes, and his all time favorite is fruit snacks.

loves to play with his jeep, mower, train track, leapster, and Ty's air toy.

wears 4T shirts, 3T pants and a size 10 shoe.

now say "I'm 3!, not 2 and 1/2" when asked, "How old are you?"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On His Feet

Ty uses this "walker" toy to get around the house, and he is on his feet constantly.  He moves fast from one room to the next and with the nice weather we've had lately, he has been using it outside as well. 
He also stands on his own and loves it.  He will stand to his feet using the table and then let go and balance on his own for a few seconds; then he laughs as he falls back on his bottom.  It's so much fun watching him learn to walk.  He's not there yet, but I bet it won't be long.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ty- 1 year

Ty . . .

gives big wet open mouth kisses!

is sleeping so much better!  Sometimes he wakes up once during the night, but usually goes down within 15 minutes or so.  He naps 2 or 3 times a day. 

is slow to wake up and likes to cuddle :-)

is such a happy kid.  He smiles every time Jeff or I look at him.  On that same note, he is clingy to his mommy and daddy and would rather be with us than others.

loves playing in the dishwasher.  Anytime I open it he rushes over to pull the dishes out!

has 7 teeth!  4 on top and 3 on the bottom.

doesn't watch nearly as much TV as he used to now that he can move around.  Every now and then it will catch his eye, and he'll pause to watch for a minute.

laughs at his big brother so much.  It's the sweetest sounds when they laugh together.

eats constantly!  He loves "real" food, some of his favorites are chicken, crackers, beans, peas, carrots, macaroni, soup (chicken noodle), and cheerios.

likes to pass toys back and forth to me.  When I hold my hand out, he will place a toy in it and then I will give it back to him and he laughs.

is wearing 18 month clothes, and has a size 5 foot.  He weighs about 26 lbs (3 lbs more than his brother at this age)

has been in our lives 1 year!  already?  wow!  Aiden's first year went by fast, but Ty's first year went by even faster.  He is such a joy and I have thoroughly enjoyed his first year!

Happy Birthday Ty-bo!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a lucky girl I am!  I got these flowers delivered to me from the 3 sweetest boys I know!

Aiden made his Valentine-Bailey, some cookies last night and we dropped them by her door today.  (I am teaching him romance at a very early age. :-) )  He loved decorating them- we made heart shaped sugar cookies and put pink icing on them and then he put heart and star sprinkles on top!  He also made her a homemade Valentine card. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

This and That

 We woke up to a blanket of snow last Thursday and Aiden and I got out in it and built this huge snowman!  Aiden rolled the snow until it was too heavy and then I continued rolling to make them larger- we both got a work out.  Most of the snow was melted by lunch time but our snowman is actually still standing (part of him).  It is supposed to be in the 60's today, so I don't think he will last much longer.
 Recently we went to Chuck-E-Cheese with our friends Dylan and Jacob.  Aiden LOVED this place!  lots of games with lots of buttons to press.  At first he was happy playing most of the games without any coins in them, but he quickly realized they were more fun when he turned them on and he kept asking me for "more money please".  He liked driving the car the best.  Unfortunately we had to leave early because it was one of those times where Ty had a melt down (as babies do when they are tired).  We hope to go back soon!
 Dylan and Aiden playing air hockey
Now that Ty is one year (or close enough), we turned his car seat around and this is the view from my rear-view mirror. :-)  That's a sock in the middle seat- Ty's favorite thing to do in the car is take them off.
 We've had some morning PJ-play time with the Nichols' boys lately.  We love having them over and usually they all play well together.  When they were here, the play room got very quiet and I turned around and the 4 boys were all playing individually.  I just thought it was funny that they chose to play by themselves when they had playmates just a few feet away.  The rest of the day they colored, built Lego's, raced cars and played Aiden's leapster game together. 
We are always busy around here- but I just wanted to give you a quick update of what we've been doing lately!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Aiden's Language

We did this once before, but now Aiden has new unique words and they just crack me up. 

1. chew = two
2. specialua = spatula
3. hocky moly = guacamole
4. muse-gik = music
5. dush = just, as in "just a little bit"
6. beeg = big
7. ice Ream = ice cream 
8. qui-wet = quiet
9. shar-bees = strawberries (his all time favorite food)
10. fertend = pretend
11. ass-idenn = accident
12. mobider = monitor (baby monitor)