Thursday, October 31, 2013


All 3 boys were Superheros this year for Halloween.  I made them all logos to put on their shirts.  AJ was superman, Ty was "Super Ty" (I knew he would love it because he loves his name) and we'll say that Mark was "Super Baby".  It was simple and they loved it!  The older boys had been counting down the days until Halloween; they had costumes on and were ready to trick-or-treat way before we even had dinner.  
We stopped by our church's Trunk-or-Treat first.  The boys played some games and saw their friends.  There was a huge turn out this year and the parking lot was packed.  We headed home and went straight into trick-or-treating at the front of our neighborhood.  The boys and I rode in the back of the car while Dad drove, and Mark had a little nap.  They jumped out when we found a porch light on and just as we practiced said "trick-or-treat" when someone came to the door.  They filled their buckets quickly, but Aiden wasn't ready to quit; he could have gone all night.  We got back home and admired the candy and chose a piece to eat before heading to bed.  Aiden said Halloween is his favorite holiday! (I bet he'll change his mind in December)

None of these pictures show it, but I made a red cape and sewed it on the back of Mark's onesie. :-) He looked so cute!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Playing in the pantry

This little boy loves when someone opens the pantry.  He thinks its his own personal play pen!  You can tell by the look on his face. :-)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

AJ's First Field Trip

Aiden's kindergarten class went on their first field trip to Yule Forest in Stockbridge, today.  It's a working farm and pumpkin patch with lots of fun stuff for kids.  Aiden rode the bus (for the first time) and I followed behind.  When he got off the bus, he told me that he sat with 2 of his friends in their seat and there weren't any seat belts.  At the farm, each class rotated from stations including a puppet show, a class on honey bees, inflatables, a hay ride, and petting zoo.  I loved meeting his friends and hanging out with my "big" boy.  We had a picnic lunch and played "Heads up, 7 up" while we waited on the other classes and then took some silly pictures with his friends.    

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mark's Birthday Party

We had a small family party for baby Mark today to celebrate his first birthday.  

He was napping when all his guest arrived in his jumparoo (no surprise).  

 His brother's helped him open his presents and like most one year olds, he was more excited about the paper than what was inside.  Once we showed him the toys and books, he loved them!

I just loved watching him dig into his vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting.  He didn't want to wait for us to sing or to blow out the candle- he went for it right away.

Rather than picking it up, he'd rather bend over and bite right into it.

Aiden and Ty enjoyed their cupcake and ice cream in the playroom.  They were both so sweet to Mark and wished him Happy Birthday many times.

By the end of it Mark had ate every bit of his cupcake and had it all over himself.  He was a mess!  But I think he had a fun birthday party!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Uncle Collin's Wedding

Collin and Sarah tied the knot today and Jeff, Aiden and I were all a part of their special day.  We had a great time celebrating and we are so happy for them!
Aiden was the ring bearer and Jeff and I were so proud of him.  He had many questions about his role in the weeks leading up to the wedding.  He was a little nervous, but mostly calm and collective about the whole thing.  During rehearsal, he practiced and I asked him if he needed to do it again and he said, "Nope, I got it".  Of course he did a great job during the ceremony and he escorted the 6 year old adorable flower girl down the aisle like a pro.  Many people told him that he did a great job and he told both Jeff and I (in an annoyed tone) "people keep saying I did a good job."
The boys were fascinated by the chocolate fountain at the reception, and we later found out that Ty did in fact stick his finger in it (he just couldn't resist).  After getting a bite to eat, the big boys were ready to dance, and boy did they!  They stayed on the dance floor for many songs and even requested their favorite "Gangnam Style".  They were so cute and I have videos to show when they are teenagers!  It was a fun day and we are blessed to have Sarah in our family!  

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mark- 1 year

It definitely doesn't seem like its been a year, but here we are.  Mark's first year has come and gone.  This sweet baby has brought so much joy to our lives.  His smile and sweet baby laugh lights up his brothers and melts my heart.

Mark . . . 

loves taking baths.  He loves to splash with his hands and does a little shake when I pour water over his head (which Ty thinks is hilarious)

slaps his knees or his tray when he sees food because he is so excited.

is now pulling up on everything.  At first (a few weeks ago), he could pull up, but he wasn't able to sit back down, so when he was tired of standing, he would just scream until someone helped him sit back down.  Ty learned this and would guide him down by holding under his arms until he was sitting again.  He has since learned how to sit back down on his own.

is "cruising" by holding on to the couch, tables, wall or whatever he can find.

loves to eat and hates when meal time is over.  He loves banannas, applesauce, oatmeal, puffs, spaghetti, sweet potatoes, pork, chicken, french fries, crackers, cheese, and yogurt.  There aren't many foods he doesn't like.

hates wearing shoes.  This took me a few times to figure out because he'd be fine when I got him dressed and then a few minutes later be whining/crying when he was fed and changed, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  Once in the nursery, they called me back because they couldn't soothe him; I took off his shoes and he was fine. :-)

has 8 teeth.

takes 2-3 naps everyday and almost always falls asleep in the car driving to drop off/pick up one of his brothers.

is ready for his first hair cut.  It is long, especially over his ears and is wild when he wakes up in the morning.

doesn't like to be rocked in his room.  When I walk in there while holding him, he reaches towards his crib to get in it.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Break

This past week the boys were out of school for fall break.  It was so nice to set our own schedule and not have the early busy mornings.  The boys slept in (which is only about 7:00) and we got to have our snuggle time on the couch before eating breakfast.  The weather was beautiful and we spent a lot of time outside.  We went to the "Jumpy House" with some friends and had a blast there.  Mark wanted to get on the big slide so bad, I had to keep pulling him back.  The big boys went down the slide dozens of times.  
We went to the park and Mark loved the baby swing.  He could have stayed in it for hours- he was so content.  The boys played "conductor" on the train and took us many different places.
I even managed a grocery trip with all 3.  I love that the Publix bakery offers cookies to kids, because I always use it as a reward for good behavior in the store.  They we actually really good while I shopped!
We had a great week and I am so blessed to have this time with my 3 boys while they are young.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ty's First Field Trip

Ty's first field trip was to Dauset Trails in Jackson, GA today!  He was excited about going, but was curious as to why he didn't ride the bus.  He was a little disappointed when I told him he would be riding in my car with me and Mark.  Then he tried to tell me that his teacher said "babies are not allowed to come on the field trip".  :-)
We met up with his teachers and the other students and started our day with a little snack at the picnic tables.  Ty was shy and quiet in the morning, but opened up after we started walking the trails.  We looked at all the different animals, but Ty wasn't too impressed by any of them.  We saw turtles, lots of birds including a bald eagle, seals, a black bear, a mountain lion, pigs, goats, cows and more I can't remember.  Ty wanted to run and play in the dirt and rocks more than he wanted to look at the animals.
His best buddy in his class is clearly Tayden, who is all boy and Ty loves to play with him.  I enjoyed watching him play and interact with his friends.  I love that he is getting a great pre-school experience!