Monday, August 30, 2010

Ty- Doc update

Ty went to the Doctor today for his 6 month well visit.

Doctor said everything looks great- he is a big healthy boy.

Here are his stats:
Height: 28 1/4 in (85%)
Weight: 20lbs 2oz (93%)
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 in

We discussed solids and I told him that Ty is being picky, but he said to just keep trying and it's totally normal.  He is obviously growing from just eating mommy's milk.  He likes carrots, sweet potatoes, pears and applesauce.  He doesn't like peas, bananas, green beans or squash.  I am not surprised that he is picky- Aiden ate everything and anything that came near his mouth and kids are definitely different.
Ty is developing normal in that he can pick up toys, pass from one hand to the other, is sitting up, babbling and giggling!

We recently switched pediatricians and I really like this new one.  He has 7 kids of his own so with his medical background and personal experience, I think he is highly qualified and he does a great job.  We got a misdiagnosis with Aiden and that got me looking for a different practice.  We are happy with this one.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

2 + 1/2

Aiden is 2 and a half years old today!  He is changing so much everyday.

His favorite foods:
  • pineapple
  • chicken (especially from CFA)
  • milk
  • gatorade
  • cereal (all kinds- the healthy stuff and the sugary kind)
  • oatmeal
  • yogurt
  • peaches
  • french fries
  • eggs (scrambled)

He eats 2-3 (small) bowls of cereal everyday and has 2-3 yogurts a day too.  He loves all fruit, and eats just about everything I cook.  He has always been a good eater, there are only a few foods he doesn't like- one being hotdogs.  If he does taste something he doesn't like, he will say "uck-key".

His favorite toys:
  • phones- lately, he has been pretend calling people.  His conversation goes something like this "hey, doing?, hang out, later, bye bye".  I wonder where he gets this from.
  • vaccuum- both the real one and his play vaccuum.  he LOVES them!  He always wants to clean the living room and he does a pretty good job!
  • lawn mower- he loves to push it back and forth in the yard.  When we go out to mow the lawn- Aiden mows right behind us.
  • car- his cozy coupe that we got him for his 2nd b-day.  He loves putting keys in the ignition and driving around the house or outside.  he will stop for gas too- it's funny! 
  • puzzles
  • tools- real and play, he likes to "fix" his other toys and the tables around the house.  His toy power drill is his favorite!
  • yellow tonka truck- he likes to push it back and forth in the living room and he will also ride in it.  Sometimes he pushes and walks with it around the house.
  • legos- he likes building towers, but he always needs a playmate when playing Legos

  • he can count to 10, and sometimes 11 & 12 and then he says "a teen, a teen, a teen, twenty!!"
  • he can say and recognize all letters.  the magnets on the fridge have been helpful in this skill :-)
  • manners- he says please, thank you, and welcome (your welcome).
  • directions, he is very observant in the car.  he recognizes when we are on the road where church is located, and when we pass the gas station we usually use, he says "gas".  Many times he knows if we are going away from home, he will say "wrong way home".
  • He weighs 35 lbs and is 38 inches tall.
  • He wears 3T shirts and 2T shorts
  • His shoe size is 9-10
Favorite phrases:
  • made a mess
  • have some- (asking and offering)
  • Hi Ty/ Ty-bo
  • holy moly
  • I see you
He has to know the temperature of the food he eats.  He will ask me if it is hot, warm or cold.  He will blow on it if it is hot or ask for ice to cool it down.

He loves to "help" me do things- laundry, cooking, picking up, etc.

He loves buttons and switches!  He is so curious to push a button to see what it does.  In the car he presses the garage opener and he is facinated.  He will snatch a cell phone and press all the buttons he can until he gets in trouble for having it.

He is also crazy about air conditioners.  He points them out when we go for walks or when we are in the car.  He tells us when they are on or off, and if it is off he waits in anticipation for it to turn on.

*** I know this time in his life will be memorable because he is learning so much constantly.  We have had our share of fits and whining, but Aiden is a great kid.  He brightens my day everyday and whenever I can get them, I'll take the hugs and kisses from him.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Look who is sitting on his own!!!

Ty has gained the muscle control and balance to sit.  This past week he was sitting on the floor, but he would lean back or to one side and would fall over.  I put him on the floor a couple days ago and balanced him myself- when he leaned I would push him back.  He got the hang of it and now does it on his own.  Sometimes he'll intentionally fall over so he can roll around, but he likes to sit because he can see more!

Sitting makes bath time much easier.  When he could only lay down, I would have to hold his head out of the water.  Now, I have both hands to do the washing.  Aiden likes that Ty is sitting too- he is more interactive this way.  Aiden will hand him toys to play with in the bath- it's cute!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our trip to PA

We flew out to Pittsburgh for my cousin's wedding last week.  The boys and I went for a week to participate in wedding activities, and Jeff came in on Wednesday.  The trip was a blast and the wedding was perfect.  I was honored to be a bridesmaid for my cousin and good friend, Anne.  She was a beautiful bride and she married a great guy!

We stayed with my Aunt Jill, and she had a house full of people.  There was always someone to play with and always something going on.  Aiden loved playing with cousin Hannah.  They were buds the whole week.
Anne had her shower on Sunday 8/15.  It was very nice and she racked up on gifts!  Ty had a great time as he was the only boy who was allowed to attend. :-)

We went to a local park one day that had a large pond with lots of fish.  Cousin Tim grabbed some pretzels so the kids could feed the fish.  They loved it!
Here's the boys playing football in the street.  Aiden had so much fun with all his cousins!
He got to sit on Jimmy's motorcycle and he thought that was great!

Ty got spoiled as he was passed around by everybody.  Here he is hanging out with Matt. 

I even got a girls night out while we were there!  We went to dinner with Anne and her bridesmaids and friends.  This is Marie, Anne, Kim and I (cousins).

It was a great trip- one that I will never forget.  It's so nice to spend time with family and celebrate a wonderful couple!  We all had a great time.
As for the flight- both there and back went very well with the kids.  Aiden loved going "fast" on the airplane!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ty- 6 months

Ty is 6 months old!  He is growing and experiencing new things everyday! 

Ty . . .

reaches for just about anything I put in front of him

still does not have any teeth, but is drooling all the time and puts everything in his mouth, especially his fingers and hand.

has not been sleeping well- the past week, he has been up 2-4 times a night, but my guess is it is because of teething.  I'm hoping to have my great sleeper back soon. :-)

is learning to nap in his own bed, twice a day and the length varies from 20 min- 3 hours.  ha ha.  I never know how long my "break" will be.

is so close to sitting up on his own.  He sits but sometimes leans to one side or leans back.  He likes sitting because he can see more.

loves to be entertained by others- just standing in front of him makes him happy

pulls my hair any chance he gets.  when I carry him over my shoulder he grabs on and when I stand him up on my lap he will play and reach for it.

eats 1-2 solids a day.  usually a rice cereal in the late morning and sometimes a vegetable in the late afternoon.  He has tried carrots, sweet potato, banana, avocado, and apple.  Sometimes he gobbles it down and other times he spits food back out at me. 

is such a happy baby- he always smiles when I look at him . . . he always smiles when anyone looks at him

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Swimming with Da-da

Yesterday, Jeff had the day off, so we went to our neighborhood pool
 with the boys.  It was great because we had the whole pool to ourselves! 

Ty went swimming with Daddy.  It's hard to tell if Ty really likes the pool- he is so mellow.  He likes being held and moved around in the water, but he didn't show much excitement. He was very content.

After a dip in the pool, he enjoyed a nap in the shade.

Aiden loved swimming with Da-da.  They played with toys, splashed each other, and Jeff took Aiden for a ride around the pool.

Aiden was looking everywhere for frogs.  Although no frogs were found, he discovered some other critters to play with.  Jeff showed him a butterfly and he tried his best to follow it, but it was too fast. :-)  (it's on the '3 ft' sign in this picture)
He also found a grasshopper- he liked making it jump by touching it's back.  Such a boy!
As for me . . . I actually got to soak up the sun a little.  It was great!  Relaxing in the sun while watching my boys.

I love days that we get to spend together as a family.  I have learned not to take them for granted.  Jeff is a great father and I love watching him spend time with the boys (and I enjoy my time with him too:-)).  God has given me 3 great blessings in my boys.  I am one lucky girl! 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Starting Solids

Ty had his first taste of some solid foods the past few weeks. We started with some rice cereal- which is very bland and he didn't like it too much. The rice cereal w/ apple is much better. He loves it! He has also tried bananna, carrots, and avocado.  He is doing well with the spoon feeding- of course he makes a little mess on his face, but he is learning.  Here he is enjoying some yummy carrots . . .

He seems to like everything I have given him thus far.  I'm curious if he will be a great eater like his big brother or maybe he will be picky.  We'll keep you posted as we try new foods.  It's a fun time to watch his reaction to the different tastes.