Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ty- 6 months

Ty is 6 months old!  He is growing and experiencing new things everyday! 

Ty . . .

reaches for just about anything I put in front of him

still does not have any teeth, but is drooling all the time and puts everything in his mouth, especially his fingers and hand.

has not been sleeping well- the past week, he has been up 2-4 times a night, but my guess is it is because of teething.  I'm hoping to have my great sleeper back soon. :-)

is learning to nap in his own bed, twice a day and the length varies from 20 min- 3 hours.  ha ha.  I never know how long my "break" will be.

is so close to sitting up on his own.  He sits but sometimes leans to one side or leans back.  He likes sitting because he can see more.

loves to be entertained by others- just standing in front of him makes him happy

pulls my hair any chance he gets.  when I carry him over my shoulder he grabs on and when I stand him up on my lap he will play and reach for it.

eats 1-2 solids a day.  usually a rice cereal in the late morning and sometimes a vegetable in the late afternoon.  He has tried carrots, sweet potato, banana, avocado, and apple.  Sometimes he gobbles it down and other times he spits food back out at me. 

is such a happy baby- he always smiles when I look at him . . . he always smiles when anyone looks at him

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