Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Day at the Lake

Today we went to Lake Allatoona to celebrate both Jason's and Norm's birthdays with their families.  We all had a great time, but Aiden was especially thrilled to be there!  He loved the boat and the water and didn't want to leave.  We headed out on the pontoon and found a little beach where the kids could play.  It was a little muddy and their shoes kept getting stuck.  We ate lunch at a restaurant right off the water by the marina and then headed back out on the boat.  After we anchored, everybody jumped in the water to cool off.  The kids loved jumping off the boat; it was a constant cycle of kids climbing up the ladder to jump off the front of the boat.  Ty only jumped when Jeff was there to catch him, but he did go for it- it was a pretty big jump.  He borrowed Maddie's extra life jacket- that's why it's pink.  At the end of the day we were all worn out and Ty couldn't stay awake for the boat ride back.  Both the boys slept in the car on the way home from all the fun we had!


Friday, August 24, 2012

Maternity Pics

We had maternity family pictures taken with one of my friends; Julie Hunter.  She did a great job in spite of the rain and and the very wet park.  These are my favorites;


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No Tears!

This morning I am so excited because Aiden got out of the car, walked into school and had no tears!  He did have the usual whining and complaining about school, but I will count it as a successful drop off.
This week we started the car line, meaning we pull up to the front of the school and an adult assists Aiden out of the car wand walks him into the school.  Monday and Tuesday mornings were awful, where both Aiden and I were in tears.  Ms. Robin (the director) had to crawl into the car and scoop Aiden up and drag him out of the car to walk him into the building.  I had to pull away watching him get upset as I left.  I felt so helpless and Ty in the back seat kept saying, "I don't like Aiden crying".
Today is day 7 of pre-school and he started his usual whining in the car on our way to school and each time he started I cut him off by talking about something else.  I asked him if he thought they would paint at school, or play on the playground.  Then we started looking for certain cars in the car line.  As soon as we pulled up the school, Ms. Karen (his teacher) walked out the doors and I said, "Look Aiden, its Ms. Karen".  He was focused on her and he hopped out of the car and waved bye to me like such a big boy!  It was such a huge relief to start our day on a positive note.
When I picked him up, Ms. Karen told me he never once got upset and had a very good day.  I wrapped my arms around him and told him how proud of him I was and that he was getting his batteries!  He was so excited.  We got in the car and called Dadda, and Jeff promised him ice cream that night for being so good.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ty- Doc Update

Ty went for his 30 month check up today.  He was such a good boy at the doctor, being very obedient and doing everything they asked him to.  No vaccinations were given, so we had a great visit.  He picked out a "choo-choo sticker" after they weighed him.  He could do all the skills that were expected at his age like walk up stairs, speak in phrases, follow simple commands, eat with a spoon and undress themselves.  They were impressed that Ty is fully potty trained.  I think having an older brother has helped Ty's progress.

Here are his stats:

Weight: 34.1 lbs  88%
Height: 39 3/4 in 98%
BMI: 15.17  16%

He is a very healthy boy and very tall for his age.  It was a good check-up!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ty 2 + 1/2

Ty is 2 1/2 years old today! 

His favorite foods:
  • hot dogs
  • cereal
  • cheese
  • bread
  • fruit (especially grapes and strawberries)
  • macaroni and cheese
  • french fries
  • milk
He doesn't like oranges, blueberries or yogurt, but he will pretty much try anything and he usually eats whatever I make for dinner, even if it is something with multiple ingredients (casseroles, etc.) where as Aiden wants to know exactly what's in the food he is eating.

His favorite toys:
  • Rock and Roll Elmo (he sleeps with him and plays with him during the day)
  • his digital camera
  • balls (he loves to throw everything)
  • sand and water table in the back yard
  • his bike (he still doesn't pedal, just pushes off the ground with his feet)
  • phones
  • cozy coup car
  • yellow tonka truck (he loves to push it around the house or sit in it while I push him back and forth)
Him and Aiden are pretty much inseparable when they are playing.  They are always together and very often getting into mischief.  Ty loves to wrestle and usually initiates it, but then he ends up with a "boo-boo".

Ty . . .
  • wears size 3T shorts and shirts
  • wears size 9 shoe
  • naps everyday for about 1.5 hours
  • talks very well for his age
  • says "Please" and  "Thank You" very often.  Instead of "your welcome", Ty says "da woman"
  • loves to help with laundry (putting clothes and soap in) and unloading the dishwasher (bringing me the dishes)
  • likes to help me water the garden and the plants
  • likes to watch "Team Umizoomi" and "Bubble Guppies"
  • can be shy, but is more social than Aiden.  He will say "hey" to people and tell them his name and age.
  • when asked what his name is, will respond, "T-Y, Ty"
  • can count to 10
  • says "Night, Night and Love you" every night at bed time and expects us to say it back to him.
  • will always choose "choo choo train" (Thomas) underwear over any others
  • asks me at least 5 times a day "where's Dadda"
Ty is a really sweet child.  He loves to share and will offer food or toys to me and other children.  Ty and Aiden have their moments of fighting, over a toy or when they get too rough wrestling, but they love each other so much.  They always want to be together and Ty often mimics Aiden's actions.  They look to each other for comfort.  I look forward to seeing him grow and change, but I love his age now and the way he talks- it's adorable.  I am so blessed to be Ty's mom and could not imagine my life without him.

Friday, August 17, 2012

First Week

Aiden's first week of school was hard, and I expected it to be, but dropping him off the first day went so well, I had hoped it would have been different. 

When I tried to leave on Tuesday morning, Aiden threw a fit.  He got very upset and started to cry.  I kept trying to reason with him, but he coutinuously found reasons to be upset.  I told him I would be back in a few hours, and he said he wanted me to come back in one hour.  Eventually I told him that I would stay in the parking lot the entire time. but that wasn't enough to calm him down.  I finally left and I heard him crying in the room as his teachers tried to calm him down.  Another mother (whom I didn't know) in the hallway saw that I was upset and gave me a hug.  She empathized with me just from being a mother herself.

When I picked him up, it was like he didn't even remember that morning.  He was happy and even said, "School is fun!".  He told me that he painted a picture and played outside.  We talked that night about not crying and incentivized him by offering some new batteries to one of his favorite toys that hasn't been working for a while.

Aiden was whining and crying that morning saying he didn't want to go to school, but when I left the classroom he was calm.  I asked another mother to look in the classroom for me and she said he was fine.  I thought to myself, "maybe today will be a good day".  I asked his teacher how the day was when I picked him up and she told me he got upset that morning and they took him for a walk around the school and it took him twenty minutes to calm down.  I felt so bad that he was a distraction to the class and that he had to be removed from the room.  Ironically, when I picked him up he asked me about the batteries.  He said, "I only cried for one minute".  I reiterated that we need to have no crying at all in order to get his reward.

It was a battle to get Aiden up and moving on Thursday.  As he ate his breakfast and got dressed, he kept saying he didn't want to go to school and that "it takes too long".  As I expected, he got very upset when I tried to leave, crying and asking me to stay.  He kept following me out of the room as I tried to leave.  Ms. Tracy and I both talked to him about all the fun they were going to have and eventually I had to leave the room with him still upset.
I called the school after a half hour or so and they told me he took a walk again and finally calmed down.  When I picked him up, his teachers told me that he was fine the rest of the day after the morning.  He was happy when I picked him up and he told me about his day.  He had show and tell and he brought a toy tool, a family photo and a pacifier to represent Mark.  I asked if he was shy when he did it and he said no.  He said he stood in front of the class and told them what was in his bag. 
He talked about playing with Addison and Emma, and going to music class where he danced and listened to veggie tale songs.  He likes playing outside and he explained to me there was a 2 year old play ground and one for big kids.  He constantly told Ty that he's too little and he has to be 4 to go to school.  Ty would love to go to school and loves going in to pick Aiden up so he can carry his bookbag on his back out to the car.

Aiden doesn't have school on Friday and it was such a relief to just have a relaxing morning at home.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Aiden's First Day

We had been preparing Aiden all summer for school; riding by his school frequently, and talking about it constantly.  I feel like it was yesterday I was telling him, "you'll start school in 3 more months".  He would ask me constantly, "How much longer until I start school?"  The day finally arrived and he was ready- the book bag was packed, and his clothes laid out.  I had to wake him up and he was a little difficult to get motivated this morning.  I made the boys pancakes and berries for breakfast.  As we headed out the door, Aiden was full of questions, "How many hours will I stay there?", "Will you walk in the school with me?", "What are we going to do at school?" etc.  I was nervous for him because I know he is uncomfortable in new environments with new people.  Ty was very excited all morning, anxious and ready. 

At school, Ty and I walked him in and he knew exactly what to do; hang his book bag up and find his name at the table.  Again, he was asking me questions to delay my leaving.  I told him that it was time for mom to leave and he waved bye and started playing with the blocks on his table.  I asked one of the other moms to peek in the door at him and she said he was fine.  I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did when I left.  Ty wanted to stay at school with Aiden and told me numerous times, "I'm 4 now".  It was so weird leaving Aiden and I kept watching the time because I just wanted to turn around and go pick him up.  Ty kept saying, "I want to go to Aiden's school right now".  He was bored without his brother around to play with.

When I pulled up to school, I saw Aiden smiling and playing on the playground with other kids; it was great to see how well he was doing.  The teacher told me he was the only one to get upset, but he quickly got over it. 
When he got in the car I asked what he did, he told me "I didn't play games, I just sat and listened".  He told me he colored a picture, but didn't use his other supplies (markers, paints, pencils).  I asked why he cried and he said, "because you didn't give me a kiss".  I said I would give him a kiss tomorrow and he was surprised that he would be going back tomorrow.  I said, "you will go 4 times" and he asked, "because I'm 4?" and I just went with it and said "yes".  Aiden told me he went potty "like 6 times" at school.  That was about all the information I got out of him about school, but he is already more comfortable and familiar with it.  I am so excited about what he will learn and how this experience will shape him.  It was a great first day!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Aiden recently saw a Dora episode about riddles and the other night at the dinner table, he started telling us about it;  He asked Jeff to tell him a riddle and then he wanted to tell us a riddle of his own.  These were so cleaver and I had to document them.

Aiden's Riddles;

What is stinky and you say "pee-you"?  Ty guessed "garbage truck" and I guessed, "your feet when you take your crocks off" and Aiden told us that neither of those were right, and it was actually a "stunk".  (of course he meant skunk)

What is white with brown with black hair on top?  Jeff and I were puzzled and I guessed one of his friends at church, but that wasn't right.  Aiden told us the answer was "eyes" (the hair was eyelashes).  We were impressed with his creativeness!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Just Dance

The boys have a new favorite game.  Just Dance on the Wii!  Of course there is no better way to play than in your underwear!  Most of the time they just hop and jump around and score points that way, but occasionally Aiden will actually do the motions.  I love playing with them too- it is such a good work out!  Some of their favorite songs are the "frog song" which is actually an alligator dancing.  Ty also likes the "no no song" witch is no limit, and party rock.  They sing the songs too- its really funny and we have some videos for them to laugh at themselves when their older. :-)

Friday, August 3, 2012

"Does God hear me?"

(written by Jeff)

We were driving home from Nannie's house and there was a thunderstorm ahead of us.  I told the boys to watch for lightning, but there was none for a while.  Aiden asked why there wasn't any lighting.  He suggested we ask God to make some lighting.  From his car seat, he said, "Hey God, Will you make more lightning?" and sure enough he saw a few lightning bolts come from the sky.  Some time passed and both the boys were looking intensely out their windows.  Aiden asked God again, but this time he didn't see lightning right away.  Then he asked me, "Does God hear me when I talk to him?"  I told him, "yes he always hears you, but he may not do what you ask when you want him to."  Aiden understood what I told him and learned a very important lesson tonight.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Movie Night

Aiden had the idea to have popcorn and chocolate milk and sit on the couch to watch a movie this morning.  Our boys have never been up for sitting still for any period of time.  Occasionally they will watch a 20 minute Nickelodeon or Disney show, but that would be the extent of it.  I told them we would try it at night time and they were so excited.  We set them up with their snacks and turned on The Incredibles.  As Jeff predicted, the boys lasted just a few minutes after their popcorn ran out.  They aren't quite ready for movies yet, but it was a good effort.  Maybe a couple more years. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Play date

We met our friends at the pool today for a playdate!  There were 11 kids and they all had a great time playing together.  Aiden lead the girls to the garden where they all picked purple flowers- almost all of them, but they had fun doing it.  We had a picnic lunch and enjoyed our time outdoors.  I held baby Braden and as soon as I picked him up, Ty was asking to hold him.  I have learned that Ty LOVES babies (since many of my friends have had babies the last few months) and he was so proud when he held Braden.  I love the girl time and the boys love spending time with their friends!