Friday, August 17, 2012

First Week

Aiden's first week of school was hard, and I expected it to be, but dropping him off the first day went so well, I had hoped it would have been different. 

When I tried to leave on Tuesday morning, Aiden threw a fit.  He got very upset and started to cry.  I kept trying to reason with him, but he coutinuously found reasons to be upset.  I told him I would be back in a few hours, and he said he wanted me to come back in one hour.  Eventually I told him that I would stay in the parking lot the entire time. but that wasn't enough to calm him down.  I finally left and I heard him crying in the room as his teachers tried to calm him down.  Another mother (whom I didn't know) in the hallway saw that I was upset and gave me a hug.  She empathized with me just from being a mother herself.

When I picked him up, it was like he didn't even remember that morning.  He was happy and even said, "School is fun!".  He told me that he painted a picture and played outside.  We talked that night about not crying and incentivized him by offering some new batteries to one of his favorite toys that hasn't been working for a while.

Aiden was whining and crying that morning saying he didn't want to go to school, but when I left the classroom he was calm.  I asked another mother to look in the classroom for me and she said he was fine.  I thought to myself, "maybe today will be a good day".  I asked his teacher how the day was when I picked him up and she told me he got upset that morning and they took him for a walk around the school and it took him twenty minutes to calm down.  I felt so bad that he was a distraction to the class and that he had to be removed from the room.  Ironically, when I picked him up he asked me about the batteries.  He said, "I only cried for one minute".  I reiterated that we need to have no crying at all in order to get his reward.

It was a battle to get Aiden up and moving on Thursday.  As he ate his breakfast and got dressed, he kept saying he didn't want to go to school and that "it takes too long".  As I expected, he got very upset when I tried to leave, crying and asking me to stay.  He kept following me out of the room as I tried to leave.  Ms. Tracy and I both talked to him about all the fun they were going to have and eventually I had to leave the room with him still upset.
I called the school after a half hour or so and they told me he took a walk again and finally calmed down.  When I picked him up, his teachers told me that he was fine the rest of the day after the morning.  He was happy when I picked him up and he told me about his day.  He had show and tell and he brought a toy tool, a family photo and a pacifier to represent Mark.  I asked if he was shy when he did it and he said no.  He said he stood in front of the class and told them what was in his bag. 
He talked about playing with Addison and Emma, and going to music class where he danced and listened to veggie tale songs.  He likes playing outside and he explained to me there was a 2 year old play ground and one for big kids.  He constantly told Ty that he's too little and he has to be 4 to go to school.  Ty would love to go to school and loves going in to pick Aiden up so he can carry his bookbag on his back out to the car.

Aiden doesn't have school on Friday and it was such a relief to just have a relaxing morning at home.

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