Thursday, May 28, 2009


Over the weekend Jeff went by the store and bought a "pool" for Aiden. He got it from Wal-Mart and he described it over the phone and he told me it cost $10. I thought he was going to bring home a small toddler sized pool that is room enough for only one child to sit and play. This pool is huge! We set it up in our front yard (because the back is not flat) and I filled it up with the hose, but the water was cold . . . really cold. I didn't think Aiden would like the water being so cold, but he didn't mind at all. He got in and stood in one spot for about 10 minutes. Once he got comfortable, he sat down and started splashing. He LOVED playing with the water hose. Daddy taught him how to drink from it. It was pretty hot, so Jeff got his bathing suit on and got in with him. Aiden was climbing on him and splashing him. They got to splashing me and next thing I know, I was in the pool too (fully clothed). But it fit all 3 of us comfortably! Granted, we looked like rednecks with our blow up pool in our front yard with two adults lounging in it. (didn't get that pic) But it was a lot of fun for Aiden. A great investment for $10.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Teeth Part 2

Aiden now has his top two molars! The bottom two came in about a week ago. When he gets teeth, he gets a lot at one time. They seem to be coming in sets of four. This is his 3rd set and now he has a total of 12 teeth. A full set for a toddler is 20 teeth and the set is usually complete by age 3. (baby teeth)
Teething for Aiden hasn't been bad at all. Especially the recent molars. I could tell that they were coming because he constantly had his finger in his mouth, but he hasn't been cranky much at all. When he was younger, he was fussy around the times his teeth were coming in, but now it's not a big deal.
He does great at brushing his teeth and lately he has shown interest in doing it himself. I will brush and then let him hold on to the toothbrush. He mostly just chews on it (which probably feels good) but at least he's getting the idea. He loves the taste of his toothpaste and loves to suck on the brush. We know that healthy teeth are important and we are trying to start the habit early!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"oh yeah"

He's talking! if  saying "oh yeah" counts as talking- ha ha! He has said this phrase more consistently than he has said anything else. I guess it counts as his first word. He usually says it in response to a question like "Aiden, do you want some yogurt?" or "Aiden, do you want to go outside?". He'll also just say it randomly when he's walking through the house. He says it when he finds some goldfish on the table. It is so funny!
I am clueless as to where it came from. Neither Jeff nor I use the phrase. Aiden came up with it all on his own. I work with him almost daily on saying "mama", "ball", "cup" and some other easy words. Obviously, he's going to say what he wants to.
He says "Da-da" pretty often, but I'm not sure the association is there yet. He knows who Da-da is, but he doesn't always say it around him or to address him. "oh yeah" is more often and in response to questions.
I am trying my best to get it on video.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Aiden has 2 more teeth! His top two molars came in recently. This brings his total to 10! 6 up top and 4 on the bottom. I'm excited because now he'll be able to chew some new foods. Every now and then he has a hard time chewing certain foods, but I would too if I only had front teeth.  He has been a great "teether". I've heard some horror stories from my friends, but Aiden is a real trooper. Don't get me wrong, he has his moments, but they are usually just moments, not hours or days. Lately he has had his index finger in his mouth, so I figured it was coming. And of course the drool gave it away!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Looks like Daddy

When Aiden was first born, many people said that he looked like me. I thought so too, but it was only that first month that people said that. As he grew, he soon developed Daddy's looks. Now, everyone- well almost everyone, says he looks just like Jeff- and I agree.  He's a boy, so I would expect him to look like Daddy, but growing up everyone always told me that I look like my dad too. It's funny to see how a child's appearance changes, and the ways he can resemble both parents. In comparison to Jeff's baby pictures, Aiden looks just like him. I wonder who's personality he will get?!?!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Aiden is learning so fast! He watches Daddy on his blackberry and he already knows how to send e-mails, texts and make calls. :-) Phones are one of his favorite toys!  He loves the lights and buttons!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Guess who's climbing on everything? Aiden of course! He learned how to climb about a week ago, first on the sofa. He throws his body against the cushion and lifts one leg over the side- it's a struggle, but he gets up. Sometimes he'll just sit beside me, but usually he's crawling and walking on the sofa. He also likes to lean over the arm rest. He has tried climbing out of the tub, on the tables and into cabinets. When I get on the floor, he loves to climb over me! I usually get a knee in the stomach or an elbow in the face- but he has fun.  ha ha
A few nights ago he actually climbed out of his crib! I heard him moving around on the monitor and then I heard him start to cry. I jumped up and went in to his room and he was sitting in his small kid chair just fussing. I of course checked for bumps and bruises, but he seemed to be fine. He must have fallen out of his crib and gotten up to go sit in his chair. We lowered the crib (at around 5:00 am), and put him back to bed. It was already low- I never would have thought he could have gotten out, but now it's on the lowest setting. Let's hope it will keep him contained. ha ha!