Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow Day (x 3)

Day 1: School is closed because weather man says it's going to snow.  The boys are very excited and we are checking my weather app to see when the snow is coming.  Weather app shows a 30% chance of snow at 10:00am, so Aiden is literally counting down the minutes until 10:00, because he believes the snow will come at exactly 10:00.  Of course the snow does not come.  Finally around 11:30 we see a few flurries and the boys are putting their boots and hats on as fast as they can so they can run around in it (since nothing is actually sticking yet).  They were out for a while until I convinced them to come back in and wait for some snow to actually accumulate.  They did and they watched out the window, and we went back out later.  We spent most of the time snowball fighting; they loved the thought of throwing something at each other and not getting in trouble for it!  They wanted to build a snowman, but it was so dry, Jeff told them we would try tomorrow.    

 Day 2: The boys were up and anxious to go play and build a snow man as Dadda promised.  The snow was very dry and trying to roll it was difficult.  It took a while but Jeff managed to build a snowman, but he did most of the work by himself.  Mark kept falling down and he would get upset every time he did.  I picked him up, but not 3 steps later he would fall again.  He preferred to be inside, but the older boys spent most of the day outside.

 Day 3: Jeff had to go back to work, but the boys and I made the most of the snow we had left.  After looking at the forecast, I knew it was going to melt, so I told the boys we had to go play in the morning.  The snow was more wet so we decided to build another snowman; a bigger snowman!  It wasn't easy, but the boys helped me roll and we managed to make one that was as tall as Aiden!  Our neighbors built a little snowman and we ended up with a little family!

I actually love snowdays!  I love having everyone home together and no where to be at any certain time.  It was a nice break!

Monday, January 20, 2014

MLK Holiday

Today was beautiful, sunny with temperatures in the 60's.  The boys and I were outside for hours.  We have been talking about playing baseball for a few weeks, so we got the bat and balls and did some practicing.  I had one of the boys at bat and the other in the outfield, and they we switched; they both did great.  Aiden has really improved with throwing and catching and Ty has a natural athletic ability in him.  We had a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to seeing them both play this year.
After baseball, the boys wanted to ride bikes.  I'm so glad we have a cul de sac where they can ride!  They both love their bikes.  Mark just wandered around watching his brothers for a while, then he enjoyed his ride in the cozy coupe while Ty pushed him.  We are thankful for great weather on a day off of school.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mark- 15 months

Sweet Baby Mark is 15 months old.  We have officially entered toddlerhood!

Mark . . . 

says mama, dadda, please, thank you, ty-ty, shoes, no-no, nana, papa, chief, ball, and night-night.

eats constantly!  If there is any food around, he wants it and expects to be shared with.  If I am eating something I don't want him to have, I have to hide. :-)

falls down all the time.  He is very clumsy and isn't stable on his feet yet.

is starting to wrestle, especially with Ty.  When Ty will be sitting on the floor quietly watching TV, Mark will come up and fall on top of him wanting to play.

waves bye-bye

still loves to cuddle, especially when he first wakes up.  Many times he will grab his blanket and walk up to me with his arms up wanting to cuddle or go "night night"

loves to pick up phones (real or play) and pretend he is talking by holding it up to his ear.

loves taking baths

says "No no" and waves his finger to things he's not supposed to touch, mainly the fireplace.

loves his brothers and has become much more affectionate with them.  He likes to rub Aiden's hair and sit in either one of their laps in their bean bag chairs.

still has an ear piercing scream when he is mad or doesn't get his way.  

loves his daddy and gets very excited when he sees him get home from work!

is very ticklish!  especially armpits and thighs.

has started some separation anxiety.  When we pull into the church parking lot, he starts to cry because he knows what is coming. :-(