Friday, February 27, 2009

It won't be like this for long . . .

Last night I was driving home with Aiden and I heard a song that really made me think about this past year! Realizing that his first year and the "baby" stage are gone made me a little emotional.  Here's some of the lyrics; (you've probably heard it)

He didn't have to wake up
He'd been up all nite
Lay'n there in bed listen'n
To his new born baby cry
He makes a pot of coffee
He splashes water on his face
His wife gives him a kiss and says
It gonna be OK
It wont be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laugh'n
At the week we brought her home
This phase is gonna fly by
So baby just hold on
It won't be like this for long

Four years later bout four thirty
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clinging to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says what can I do
She says now don't you worry
This will only last a week or two

It wont be like this for long
One day soon we'll drop her off
And she wont even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It wont be like this for long

I remember Aiden's first week -how tired we were from the long nights, but looking back, it didn't last long at all.  Having a child really does change everything.  He is such a blessing to our family and I am happy to have had such a fun, happy and healthy first year. 
As I was listening to this song, I looked over my shoulder and saw this;

and I realized it really won't be like this for long.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

1 year ago . . .

I remember the day Aiden was born like it was yesterday. The day's events were nothing like I had planned in my mind. I was a day past my due date and I went in for a regular OB doctor's appointment; everything looked fine and they wanted to schedule an induction. Last year (2008) was leap year and the 29th was the only day that was available for the induction. I wanted him to have an actual birthday and I was determined not to have him on the 29th. I went to Mom's house after my appointment and we went to have breakfast w/ Janice. I got a call from Nurse Colleen and she said "go to the hospital now".  She told me they could do the induction immediately as soon as I arrived.  I wasn't prepared for that, I didn't even get to eat my breakfast, but it was better than a leap year birthday so we got our food to go and headed to Henry Medical Center.  I called Jeff on the way (he was at Shane's in Barnesville) and he had the same concerns as I did about the induction. We got to the hospital around 11:00am, and Jeff met us shortly after. Then the waiting began, but we didn't have to wait too long. Aiden arrived at 7:36pm. I was blessed to have an easy labor and delivery.
That day changed our lives. As many first time parents, we didn't know what to expect and we had a lot of learning to do, but we learned fast. The past year has gone by so fast, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. I LOVE being a mother to Aiden! I'm sad to see the first year go, but I'm so looking forward to the years to come.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bare boy

Putting clothes on Aiden has become a challenge. Many times I have to distract him with a small toy and put clothes on him while he's playing, sometimes I find myself chasing him with one sleve in and one out. Honestly, I think he would prefer to be naked. ha ha. Don't you love his rolls?!?!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PJ Day!

Most days, Aiden stays in his PJ's untill about 2:00 or so. It's just easier for me, and he's warm and comfy! Today he played in his PJ's for a while and I got a few shots.

Boys are God's way of telling you that your house is too neat!
(Do you notice the mess in the background of these pics?!?!)

Monday, February 9, 2009

A day at the park

The beautiful weather brought us out to a park on Saturday. We drove around for a little while looking for a park that had "baby swings"- (the ones that are enclosed, with 2 slots for legs). After two parks that didn't have the swings, we found a small park that did. So we put Aiden in the swing and pushed him. He wasn't thrilled about it, but he liked it. He got more comfortable after a while. I put him on the ground and he wouldn't move. There was so much to look at so he stood there and took it all in. I can't wait for summer when we take him to the pool!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Blue Eyes

Look at those big blue eyes! Does every mother think that their kid is the cutest ever? Mine really is. :-)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Polo Boy

Some parents say it is toy guns that make boys warlike. But give a boy a rubber duck and he will seize its neck like the butt of a pistol and shout, “Bang!”
— George F. Will

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Aiden started walking about 3 weeks ago, and he's a pro at it now. The first few days he started walking, he fell down constantly and needed a table or other furniture to use for support. Gradually, he has gotten more confident and he loves to walk around; he knows he can get places faster and go exploring now. He has gotten so fast- I know he'll be running very soon as well.
Last night he was chasing Jeff and I while we were crawling on the floor. He gets so excited, its adorable! As soon as I get on the floor (to his level) he's anxious to have someone to play with him. I love the time we have where both Jeff and I can play with him together.