Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Aiden started walking about 3 weeks ago, and he's a pro at it now. The first few days he started walking, he fell down constantly and needed a table or other furniture to use for support. Gradually, he has gotten more confident and he loves to walk around; he knows he can get places faster and go exploring now. He has gotten so fast- I know he'll be running very soon as well.
Last night he was chasing Jeff and I while we were crawling on the floor. He gets so excited, its adorable! As soon as I get on the floor (to his level) he's anxious to have someone to play with him. I love the time we have where both Jeff and I can play with him together.


  1. I can just picture you all now,playing on the floor, in your great room or the TOY room, he is so much fun, and there are no words to tell you how much I love my "little buddy"
    I enjoy keeping up on your blog.

  2. Heidi ....That is one Jeff Baxter looking child !!!! Don't worry it won"t be long and he will be playing football and it will be you that spends all those Saturday's at the ball field...And just like your mom and I you will love each one of them. ( the rainy cold ones not as much )...miss janice
