Monday, February 27, 2012


A day later than planned, we made to Chuck-E-Cheese for Aiden's birthday!  He was very excited- I think it's his favorite place to go.  He got a special Birthday sticker and some extra coins to play games with.  It was great because for most of the time, we had the whole place to ourselves.  The boys love playing driving games, but today Aiden's favorite was the deal or no deal game where he chose numbers and won a certain number of tickets each time (based on luck).

The boys love all the games and activities at Chuck-E-Cheese.  It's a great place for them, and a great place for us to celebrate Aiden turning 4!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Aiden 4 years old

Aiden . . .

loves numbers.  Anytime he sees numbers, he'll ask why it's there and what it means. 

plays with his leapster, his Nintendo DS, the cozy coupe car, and pretends to cook in his kitchen almost everyday.

still isn't interested in television or movies.  He used to watch Superwhy (almost a full episode), but now has lost interest. 

can almost write his name.  He struggles with the 'e' and the 'n'.

likes to eat his vegetables at dinner and immediately show me how tall he is because they made him grow.  He will often ask me if certain food make him grow or not.

is still very shy and quiet around strangers and especially in large crowds.

likes to race Ty when they get dressed.  I will help Ty and Aiden will get dressed on his own (with a little help sometimes) and he loves to be the winner.

loves his chore chart and usually does all of his chores at night without argument.  He reminds us on Friday to pay him and he loves putting the money in his piggy bank.
loves to help.  His favorite thing to do is cook, but he also helps with laundry, cleaning, vacuuming and other simple tasks.
wears 5T shirts, 4T pants, and size 12 shoe.

I am so proud of him and the little boy he is.  He is so funny in the questions he asks and things he says at this age.  He is observing and learning so much all the time.  It is a privilege to be called "mom" by him.  He lights up my life!

Happy 4th Birthday Aiden!

Aiden's Birthday

To celebrate Aiden's birthday, we had planned on taking him to Chuck-E-Cheese after church.  He woke up in the middle of the night because he had gotten sick.  After changing sheets, and putting new PJ's on, we tucked him back in and decided to skip Chuck-E-Cheese. 
The next morning, he opened his presents; 2 new tires for the jeep, a Leapster LeapPad and 2 new jumpsuits!  He was very excited about all of his gifts, especially the tires.  Jeff put the tires on the jeep and Aiden and Ty rode around the yard.  Nannie came over and we let the kids play around the house for the day and Aiden was fine.  He ate his birthday cake- an oreo ice cream cake, and for the first time in a long time he took a nap; I'm sure it was just because he didn't sleep well.  He had a great day and he is very excited about being 4.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nature Walk

The weather was beautiful today!  It was sunny and 75 degrees.  I had to take the opportunity to get outside with the boys.  We walked the nature trail in our neighborhood, and went out on the dock. The boys loved it and burned off a lot of energy!  Here are some action shots of them.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


To celebrate the boys birthdays, Gram and Chief took us to the Circus at Phillips Arena in Atlanta.  We had been looking forward to the experience for a while and the day exceeded our expectations!  The boys had a great time!  We got there early and were able to walk around on the floor to see some acrobats, a few clowns, dancers and even an elephant up close.  The boys got to see everything on Chief and Dadda's shoulders.  I think both the boys were a little overwhelmed by the crowd; they just looked around in amazement at everything. 
Once we made it to our seats and grabbed some overpriced snacks, we were ready for the show.  Ty must have ate a whole box of popcorn himself; he was constantly eating throughout the show.  We saw amazing animals doing tricks including horses, tigers and elephants.  We saw acrobats who flew through the air on ribbons spining and twirling.  We also saw lots of tumblers and people with shoes that made them jump and flip over each other.  The tight rope had a bicycler and a man jumping over people on the rope!  The kids and the adults were very impressed.  It was a great show.  Aiden sat still and watched all the activity, and Ty did great too because there was so many activities to watch.

Aiden said his favorite part was the fire; they lit a man on fire and catapolted him across the arena.  I think Ty's favorite part was the elephants.  Everytime they came out he would point and get excited. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ty 2 years old

Ty . . .

has a deep voice, especially for a 2 year old.

takes an afternoon nap everyday for about 2 hours

is still in love with Elmo and points him out whenever he sees a picture of him.

likes to help me do laundry, putting wet clothes in the dryer and putting soap into the washer.

loves to bang everything.  He is always hitting a toy on the wall or crashing a car into a cabinet making the loudest noise possible!

sometimes calls me "Mom", and other times calls me "Ma-Ma".  always calls Jeff "Dadda"

likes to dance and does a little squat/shoulder shrug move that cracks me up.

likes to lift up his shirt and show his belly to everyone.

says elmo, yes, no, Aiden, eat, two, please, juice, night-night, bath, teeth, shoes, milk, trash, back (when he wants to put something back he's not supposed to be touching), Georgia, go dawgs!, I don't know, more, and many other words we don't understand.

gets his own diaper, when he needs to be changed.

laughs at Aiden all the time.  He can make Ty laugh more than anyone else.

often asks for "Dadda" during the day after he has gotten in trouble for doing something he's not supposed to.

loves playing outside; he likes the sand table, pushing the lawn mower and riding his bike in the driveway.

loves reading books.  He will bring numerous books to Jeff or I and sit in our laps and just expect us to stop what we are doing and read to him (which we do :-) ).

runs from one corner of the room saying "ready, set, go!" (Aiden did the exact same thing at this age)

loves to eat, but is very messy.  Usually when I start cooking dinner, he will go sit in his chair at the table and say "eat" repeatedly until I explain that I have to cook first.  His favorite foods are bread (biscuits, sliced, rolls, etc.) cereal, milk, french fries, crackers.

loves to cuddle when he wakes up in the morning and from nap.  Usually he'll sit with me for about 30 minutes in the morning while we watch Elmo

wears 2T pants and 2T-3T shirts and size 8 shoe.

Watching Ty grow and change is so much fun.  The time does go by quickly, so I am thankful to have this time at home with him while he is young.  He is an adorable kid and so easy to love.  I'm so glad God blessed us with him 2 years ago! 

Happy Birthday Ty!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Changing the oil

Aiden helped Dadda change the oil in my car.  He had a ton of questions; asking Jeff the purpose of his every move.  He had to be looking right over his shoulder watching his every move.  I think he learned a lot and I hope he is this anxious to help when he is a teenager!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

This Weather

It's hard to believe it is February, because we have had numerous days in the 60s and one in the 70s!  I LOVE it because the boys would much rather be outside than inside.  This makes me look forward to spring!