Sunday, February 19, 2012


To celebrate the boys birthdays, Gram and Chief took us to the Circus at Phillips Arena in Atlanta.  We had been looking forward to the experience for a while and the day exceeded our expectations!  The boys had a great time!  We got there early and were able to walk around on the floor to see some acrobats, a few clowns, dancers and even an elephant up close.  The boys got to see everything on Chief and Dadda's shoulders.  I think both the boys were a little overwhelmed by the crowd; they just looked around in amazement at everything. 
Once we made it to our seats and grabbed some overpriced snacks, we were ready for the show.  Ty must have ate a whole box of popcorn himself; he was constantly eating throughout the show.  We saw amazing animals doing tricks including horses, tigers and elephants.  We saw acrobats who flew through the air on ribbons spining and twirling.  We also saw lots of tumblers and people with shoes that made them jump and flip over each other.  The tight rope had a bicycler and a man jumping over people on the rope!  The kids and the adults were very impressed.  It was a great show.  Aiden sat still and watched all the activity, and Ty did great too because there was so many activities to watch.

Aiden said his favorite part was the fire; they lit a man on fire and catapolted him across the arena.  I think Ty's favorite part was the elephants.  Everytime they came out he would point and get excited. 

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