Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ty 2 years old

Ty . . .

has a deep voice, especially for a 2 year old.

takes an afternoon nap everyday for about 2 hours

is still in love with Elmo and points him out whenever he sees a picture of him.

likes to help me do laundry, putting wet clothes in the dryer and putting soap into the washer.

loves to bang everything.  He is always hitting a toy on the wall or crashing a car into a cabinet making the loudest noise possible!

sometimes calls me "Mom", and other times calls me "Ma-Ma".  always calls Jeff "Dadda"

likes to dance and does a little squat/shoulder shrug move that cracks me up.

likes to lift up his shirt and show his belly to everyone.

says elmo, yes, no, Aiden, eat, two, please, juice, night-night, bath, teeth, shoes, milk, trash, back (when he wants to put something back he's not supposed to be touching), Georgia, go dawgs!, I don't know, more, and many other words we don't understand.

gets his own diaper, when he needs to be changed.

laughs at Aiden all the time.  He can make Ty laugh more than anyone else.

often asks for "Dadda" during the day after he has gotten in trouble for doing something he's not supposed to.

loves playing outside; he likes the sand table, pushing the lawn mower and riding his bike in the driveway.

loves reading books.  He will bring numerous books to Jeff or I and sit in our laps and just expect us to stop what we are doing and read to him (which we do :-) ).

runs from one corner of the room saying "ready, set, go!" (Aiden did the exact same thing at this age)

loves to eat, but is very messy.  Usually when I start cooking dinner, he will go sit in his chair at the table and say "eat" repeatedly until I explain that I have to cook first.  His favorite foods are bread (biscuits, sliced, rolls, etc.) cereal, milk, french fries, crackers.

loves to cuddle when he wakes up in the morning and from nap.  Usually he'll sit with me for about 30 minutes in the morning while we watch Elmo

wears 2T pants and 2T-3T shirts and size 8 shoe.

Watching Ty grow and change is so much fun.  The time does go by quickly, so I am thankful to have this time at home with him while he is young.  He is an adorable kid and so easy to love.  I'm so glad God blessed us with him 2 years ago! 

Happy Birthday Ty!

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