Saturday, April 26, 2014

Baseball Game and a Birthday Party

We had a fun Saturday today!  The boys had a game at 11:00am and we had a birthday party to go to at 1:30pm.  This was one of their best games.  Both scored a run for the first time.  They hit off the T and made it all the way home!  Ty hates playing outfield- the picture of him says it all.  He is constantly goofing off out there because he is so bored.  I've had to tell him to pay attention many times because he likes to toss his hat up, kick dirt, or sit down.  Once I fussed at him for picking at the grass and he said, "But Mom, I'm trying to find a four-leaf clover!"  AJ has gotten a lot better and has a better understanding of the game this year.  I love watching them play and I love this age where nobody is very intense about the sport. 

We left the game and went straight to Pin Strikes where Jackson was having his 8th birthday!  We knew it was a bowling party, but we had no idea what else was in store for the kids.  They had an arcade, bumper cars, lazer tag, a ball launching game, and bowling!  This place was made for boys!  AJ and Ty loved it!  We were having so much fun and lost track of time.  Jeff looked at his phone and realized it was 4:00.  We were 30 minutes from home and I had to be at work at 5:00.  I ended up a few minutes late, but it was well worth seeing my boys have so much fun.  Jackson is a sweet 8 year old and we are so grateful to know his family!

(birthday boys Dad and sister)

Sunday, April 20, 2014


The Easter Bunny came and brought sunglasses, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and of course lots of candy!

We headed off to church with 3 handsome boys!

After church, we had a yummy lunch and a back yard egg hunt.  All the eggs were filled with money!

Later, we headed over to Nana and Papa's house for dinner and another back yard egg hunt.
Here's the best cousin pic I could get.

Mark was very intrigued by the egg on a stick.

We had a great day spending time worshiping our risen savior and celebrating with all of our parents/grandparents today!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Coloring Easter Eggs

Dadda actually took over the camera so Mom could help the boys color the eggs.  We decided this project was best to do when Mark was taking his nap.  He can participate next year ;-)

Friday, April 18, 2014

AJ's Egg Hunt

Because of the rainy weather, A.J.'s class had their Easter egg hunt in the gym.  A few moms and myself "hid" the eggs while the kids were at lunch although there weren't many places to hide them.  The kids had fun because they were all given a number and they had to find eggs with that number on them (like Ty's hunt).  It seemed like every kid would pick up an egg and throw it back down repeatedly and nobody was actually finding their own eggs.  Eventually the teachers and parents called out each number and the kids ran to their eggs.  I loved seeing Aiden with his friends having fun.  He seems to really like Nicholas, but Nicholas's mom told me that he never meets a stranger and is very outgoing.  Maybe the shyest kid and the most outgoing have formed a friendship. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ty's Easter Party

Ty's Easter Party and Egg Hunt was today at his school.  It was a cool and windy day, but most of the kids were unaffected by the weather.  Their egg hunt was on the playground and all the eggs were numbered.  Ty found eggs with the number 9 on them, but he picked up a few 6s by accident.  Kylie was number 6, so we sorted them out afterwords.  We came back inside the classroom and had veggies & dip, chips, chicken nuggets and cupcakes.  When Mark is at Ty's school, he just jumps right in like he belongs in the class too.  He got a chair out and sat right next to Ty at his table during the party.  He usually runs in his classroom when it's time to pick him up.  The other kids like Mark too, especially the girls!  It's really cute.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Mark- 18 months

Mark is 18 months old today!!!

Mark . . .

still takes 2 naps every day for about 1-2 hours each

is so easy to put down to sleep.  He likes his bed and as long as he has his pacifier and blanket, he is good.  He is a good sleeper and rarely wakes up in the middle of the night.  When he wakes up in the morning he likes to bounce in his crib while holding the side.

loves shoes and insists on giving them to their righful owner when they are laying around the house.  He likes his own shoes and when he finds them he will bring them to me and say "on".

has a huge vocabularly; way more than either of his brothers at this age.  Some new words he says are; cereal, hot, on, off, up (to be picked up), shhhh, brothers, outside (which sounds like "south side"), bye-bye, and A. J.

likes to "jump" by bending his knees and standing back up quickly. (his feet don't actually leave the floor) :-)

loves to go outside and tries to sneak out any time a door is opened.  His favorite thing to play with outside is the red cozy coupe car.

still says "no no, don't touch" to things he's not supposed to touch.

likes to point to objects that aren't his and say who's they are.  Every morning he touches my coffee cup and says "Mama".

loves to say "hey" to people in the grocery store.

says "owe" when he falls down or bumps his head

Monday, April 7, 2014

Park with Nannie

To kick off our spring break the boys and I met Nannie at a park.  The boys love this park because of the huge playground and fun games.  It was a little windy, but that didn't bother the boys.  They played for a while and made a few friends too.  We enjoyed a picnic lunch and played some more.  It was nice to be outside getting all of our energy out!