Thursday, May 28, 2009


Over the weekend Jeff went by the store and bought a "pool" for Aiden. He got it from Wal-Mart and he described it over the phone and he told me it cost $10. I thought he was going to bring home a small toddler sized pool that is room enough for only one child to sit and play. This pool is huge! We set it up in our front yard (because the back is not flat) and I filled it up with the hose, but the water was cold . . . really cold. I didn't think Aiden would like the water being so cold, but he didn't mind at all. He got in and stood in one spot for about 10 minutes. Once he got comfortable, he sat down and started splashing. He LOVED playing with the water hose. Daddy taught him how to drink from it. It was pretty hot, so Jeff got his bathing suit on and got in with him. Aiden was climbing on him and splashing him. They got to splashing me and next thing I know, I was in the pool too (fully clothed). But it fit all 3 of us comfortably! Granted, we looked like rednecks with our blow up pool in our front yard with two adults lounging in it. (didn't get that pic) But it was a lot of fun for Aiden. A great investment for $10.


  1. Oh Yeah! I bet he thought that was fun. I'm glad the 2 of you are enjoying your little Man so much. Love Gram

  2. How fun!!! You will have lots of time for extra family photos in the pool this summer. Papa says -- always the pessimist -- "remind them the grass will die underneath the pool if they leave it there too long."

  3. Grandchildren are the crown of old men, and the glory of sons is their fathers (Proverbs)
    I opened your Blog this morning and this was the verse. How appropriate! I know Aiden will love the pool, he looks like he is having so much fun! Does Nannie need to get him some sun glasses?

  4. He actually has a pair, but he won't keep them on his face. Jeff said the same thing (about the grass dieing) when I set the pool up.
