Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No Tears!

This morning I am so excited because Aiden got out of the car, walked into school and had no tears!  He did have the usual whining and complaining about school, but I will count it as a successful drop off.
This week we started the car line, meaning we pull up to the front of the school and an adult assists Aiden out of the car wand walks him into the school.  Monday and Tuesday mornings were awful, where both Aiden and I were in tears.  Ms. Robin (the director) had to crawl into the car and scoop Aiden up and drag him out of the car to walk him into the building.  I had to pull away watching him get upset as I left.  I felt so helpless and Ty in the back seat kept saying, "I don't like Aiden crying".
Today is day 7 of pre-school and he started his usual whining in the car on our way to school and each time he started I cut him off by talking about something else.  I asked him if he thought they would paint at school, or play on the playground.  Then we started looking for certain cars in the car line.  As soon as we pulled up the school, Ms. Karen (his teacher) walked out the doors and I said, "Look Aiden, its Ms. Karen".  He was focused on her and he hopped out of the car and waved bye to me like such a big boy!  It was such a huge relief to start our day on a positive note.
When I picked him up, Ms. Karen told me he never once got upset and had a very good day.  I wrapped my arms around him and told him how proud of him I was and that he was getting his batteries!  He was so excited.  We got in the car and called Dadda, and Jeff promised him ice cream that night for being so good.

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