Friday, October 11, 2013

Mark- 1 year

It definitely doesn't seem like its been a year, but here we are.  Mark's first year has come and gone.  This sweet baby has brought so much joy to our lives.  His smile and sweet baby laugh lights up his brothers and melts my heart.

Mark . . . 

loves taking baths.  He loves to splash with his hands and does a little shake when I pour water over his head (which Ty thinks is hilarious)

slaps his knees or his tray when he sees food because he is so excited.

is now pulling up on everything.  At first (a few weeks ago), he could pull up, but he wasn't able to sit back down, so when he was tired of standing, he would just scream until someone helped him sit back down.  Ty learned this and would guide him down by holding under his arms until he was sitting again.  He has since learned how to sit back down on his own.

is "cruising" by holding on to the couch, tables, wall or whatever he can find.

loves to eat and hates when meal time is over.  He loves banannas, applesauce, oatmeal, puffs, spaghetti, sweet potatoes, pork, chicken, french fries, crackers, cheese, and yogurt.  There aren't many foods he doesn't like.

hates wearing shoes.  This took me a few times to figure out because he'd be fine when I got him dressed and then a few minutes later be whining/crying when he was fed and changed, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong.  Once in the nursery, they called me back because they couldn't soothe him; I took off his shoes and he was fine. :-)

has 8 teeth.

takes 2-3 naps everyday and almost always falls asleep in the car driving to drop off/pick up one of his brothers.

is ready for his first hair cut.  It is long, especially over his ears and is wild when he wakes up in the morning.

doesn't like to be rocked in his room.  When I walk in there while holding him, he reaches towards his crib to get in it.

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